The once brick cellphone has now evolved into a smart device that can take photos, edit documents, and even do some AR (with the appropriate apps). I enjoy watching DIY cooking videos and always wanted to taste and smell the great dishes that I see YouTubers prepare. This got me interested in digital scent and […]

A1- Swift Playgrounds

A1- Swift Playgrounds

My A1 is about coding, reviewing the coding app Swift Playgrounds. I am a language instructor and I think that coding is one of the languages that should be learned (or even taught) to children as we face this new Information Age. Here is the link to my https://chaoslamasloca.wixsite.com/etec523-a1


By Ryan Dorey on August 5, 2018 Hello Classmates,Please find attached a link to a Piktochart presentation that outlines a plan to create a platform for students to share learning with each other. The key to Link-Ed’s success is that students can offer other students credit in the form of tuition grants or job credentials that can be deposited […]

Do you know any good apps??

By on September 26, 2013 One of my least favourite questions that I receive as an educational technology consultant is, “Do you know any good apps?”  The reason I dislike this question is because I feel it does students a great disservice.  Too often I see iPads and the like loaded up with hundreds off […]

A1 – Playful Programming: Learn-to-Code Culture Grows Up?

By jan lewis on February 10, 2019 Here is my Assignment#1 post. I created it using Microsoft Sway with several audio and visual components. In the editing phase of this post I was able to embed it below and it appeared but it seems like wp is erasing the iframe when I hit publish. So below is […]

Digital Scent

With VR we can already see and hear. We might as well add touch, taste, and smell. With our phone our we can already send pictures, voicemails, and even videos. Have you thought about sending scents via the phone? Back in the days we never thought that we could do all these things without a […]

Dreamscape: a strategy game that encourages reading comprehension

Dreamscape: a strategy game that encourages reading comprehension

By Derrick Cheung on September 14, 2019 In the past few years, games like Clash of Clans and Fortnite have exploded in popularity among school-aged children. These games, and many other free-to-play mobile and desktop games, employ strategies that incentivizes prolonged play-time and the use of real-world money to purchase in-game perks. Issues such as microtransactions have […]

VR/AR Not just Consumption

By Lori Jones on September 14, 2019 The trend toward 360 cameras and access to Virtual reality video on Youtube and other platforms has been the tip of the giant iceberg that will be AR & VR in the real world. Companies, Communities and Educational Institutions alike are beginning to use other technologies like barcodes and QR […]

Hello from Buenos Aires

Hello from Buenos Aires

Hello Everyone. My name is Silvia and I live in Argentina. This is my 8th MET course. I used to be a graphic designer but switched careers when I started to work as a tutor. Mandarin Chinese is what I teach. I have been teaching for 10 years already. These days I mainly work with teenagers […]