Prelude – FCCS Faculty and Staff Exhibition


Annual FCCS Faculty and Staff Exhibition

An annual exhibition and speaker series featuring the artwork of selected faculty and staff in FCCS. All of our visual art and media studies instructors are practising artists, as are many of our staff. This is an opportunity to showcase their work and offer opportunities for our students to learn more about our faculty and staff art practices at weekly presentations.

2024 Exhibition

Exhibition dates: August 28. to Sept. 26, 2024.

The 2024 exhibition will showcase the works of current instructors Briar Craig, Aleksandra Dulic, Patrick Lundeen, Crystal Przybille (BFA ’97, MFA ’20, current instructor), and Darian Goldin Stahl, as well as current staff and alumni Joanne Gervais (BFA ’06, MFA ’10), Shauna Oddleifson (BFA ’98), and Lacia Vogel (BFA ’12).

During the course of the exhibition, the following artists will offer a 30-minute talk on their work and art practice in the FINA Gallery.

Artist Talks:

Briar Craig
Date: Wednesday, September. 11
Time: 12:00 pm

Crystal Przybille
Date: Thursday. September. 19
Time: 12:00 pm

Joanne Gervais & Shauna Oddleifson
Date: Saturday, September 21
Time: 2:30 pm
*during UBCO Homecoming

Patrick Lundeen
Date: Tuesday, September 24
Time: 12:00 pm

Darian Goldin Stahl
Date: Wednesday, September 25
Time: 12:00 pm

Find out more about the artists here:


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