Writing Centre Schedule

Welcome back! Come and see us!
Writing Center Schedule September 30-October 4

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¡Feliz año nuevo! Happy New Year!

It’s been a while since we posted – but we’re back!

The Writing Centre will open up again on Tuesday 22 January so we look forward to seeing you. Don’t forget you can either come along to one of the drop-in sessions or book an appointment if you know you need a bit more time.

The first schedule will be posted on Tuesday 15 January on the door of Bri’s office (Buchanan Tower 804) so come along and sign up.

We look forward to seeing you soon. And watch out on here for updates and new photos of our team!

¡Nos vemos pronto!

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El taller


We look forward to seeing you in the Writing Centre soon! Don’t forget you can make appointments by signing up on the schedule posted on the door of BuTo804. The schedule is posted on Wednesdays at 12 noon.

There are appointments from Monday to Friday, with a drop in session on Tuesday mornings, and digital consulting available on Thursdays between 10.30 and 1.30pm. Just email fhiswritingcentre@gmail.com with your questions and we’ll reply to them, there and then.

Las citas tienen lugar en BuTo 898. Cada cita dura 40 minutos. ¡No se olvide de traer DOS copias de su trabajo!

¡Hasta pronto!

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How to edit an essay

When you’re rushing to meet a deadline sometimes it feels like there isn’t time to even have a quick read through, let alone a proper edit, but good editing can be the difference between an average grade and an excellent one! It’s really worth building ‘editing time’ into your work schedule to make sure your paper is as good as it can be. Here are some ways to make sure that time is well spent…

Tip 1:

When you’ve finished writing your paper put it aside for a bit. It’s hard to edit effectively when you’ve only just finished writing. Have a break, and come back to it.

Tip 2:

If there are mistakes you make regularly you probably won’t notice them. Make a list of your common mistakes before getting down to editing your paper, and use it as a check list. Try different ‘read-throughs’ each time paying attention to a specific grammar issue, such as verb conjugations or use of accents.

Tip 3:

Try reading your paper aloud. It can help you notice mistakes or parts that don’t make sense. It’s also a great way of checking the punctuation marks are in the right places.

Tip 4:

Keep in mind the important characteristics of a good essay: the focus or main idea, good structure, coherent argument, and clear development of ideas.

Your essay should contain a clear thesis statement;
It should be organized in several paragraphs logically connected to each other;
Each paragraph should include necessary evidence, arguments, and details that support your thesis.

Tip 5:

Check facts, statistics, quotations, etc. Make sure they are correct and reliable and that you have cited all sources properly.

Tip 6:

Try getting a friend to read through your paper – they can point out which parts don’t make sense. Or even better, come to the Writing Centre where a tutor can help you!

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How to format your bibliography correctly

See also the links page where there is a link to a helpful site about various aspects of using the MLA format with tips and advice on how to do it correctly!

Libro: Un solo autor
Lampe, Gregory P. Frederick Douglass: Freedom’s Voice, 1818-1845. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State UP, 1998.

Libro: Dos o más autores
Andrews, Kevin, and Michelle Curtis. A Changing Australia: The Social, Cultural and Economic Trends Facing Australia. Annandale, VA: Federation Press, 1988.

Libro: Segunda o posterior edición
Lerner, Gerda. The Grimké Sisters from South Carolina. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford UP, 1998.

Libro: Autor corporativo
American Association of Cereal Chemists. Sweeteners. St. Paul, MN: American Association of Cereal Chemists, 1998.

Libro: Antología o compilación
Ram, Kalpana, and Margaret Jolly, eds. Maternities and Modernities: Colonial and Postcolonial Experiences in Asia and the Pacific. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.

Capítulo en antología o compilación
Stivens, Maila. “Modernizing the Malay Mother.” Maternities and Modernities: Colonial and Postcolonial Experiences in Asia and the Pacific. Ed. Kalpana Ram and Margaret Jolly. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. 50-80.

Artículo de revista con autor
Williams, Patricia. “Speaking of Race.” Atlantic Monthly May 1998: 9-11.

Artículo de revista sin autor
“Tracking Nuclear Weapons.” Time 25 May 1998: 38-39.

Artículo de una publicación periódica, paginación continua
Smith, Grant W. “The Political Impact of Name Sounds.” Communication Monographs 65 (1998): 154-72.

Artículo de una publicación periódica, paginación discontinua
Kauffman, James M., and Harold J. Burbach. “Creating Classroom Civility.” Education Digest, 63.1 (1998): 12-18.

Artículo de periódico con autor
Price, Hugh B. “Tell Me Again: Why Are S.A.T. Scores So Crucial?” New York Times 26 May 1998: A23.

Artículo de periódico sin autor
“4.7 Million Children Qualify for Medicaid.” Los Angeles Times, 18 May 1998: A11.

Editorial de periódico con autor
Emmerich, Stacy. “Equal Pay for Equal Work Still a Problem for Women.” Editorial. Wisconsin State Journal 10 Apr. 1998: A9.

Editorial de periódico sin autor
“Hospitals Resist Reform, Work New Doctors Too Hard.” Editorial. USA Today 28 May 1998: A12.

Publicación gubernamental
United States. Environmental Protection Agency. New Motor Vehicles and New Motor Vehicle Engines Air Pollution Control: Voluntary Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1998.

Artículo en una obra de consulta con autor
Chaney, Warren H. “Ventriloquism.” Collier’s Encyclopedia. New York: Collier’s, 1996.

Artículo en una obra de consulta sin autor
“Morrison, Toni.” Who’s Who of American Women, 1997-1998. New Providence, NJ: Marquis Who’s Who, 1996.

Entrevista personal
Hernández, Inez. Personal Interview. 17 Feb. 1998

Comunicado por carta o correo electrónico
Ahmed, Mohammed. E-mail to author. 5 May 1998

Discurso o conferencia
Chan, Yi-Huang. Lecture on water pollution. Geography 212: Environmental Science. University of Florida, 14 Mar. 1998.

Programa de televisión
“Crazy Like a Fox?” Narr. Ed Bradley. 60 Minutes. CBS, WCBS, New York, 31 May 1998.

Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision. Dir. Freida Lee Mock. Santa Monica, CA: American Film Foundation, 1995.

Publicación de CD-ROM
Roundy, Robert W. “Ethiopia.” Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. Carlsbad, CA: Compton’s NewMedia, Inc., 1994.

Documento de la World Wide Web
Centers for Disease Control. “Preventing Foodborne Illness.” 9 Aug. 1996 [last update]. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/food%20borne/e_coli.htm 12 June 1998.

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Conectores lógicos

Here are ways you can connect your ideas, or add new ideas into your essay.

Unir ideas similares o añadir una nueva idea

Por otra parte
De la misma forma
Al lado de
De igual importancia
Del mismo modo
De la misma manera

Limitar o contradecir una idea
A la inversa
A pesar de
No obstante
Al contrario
Por otro lado
Por el contrario
Por otra parte
A pesar de
Después de todo
En cambio
Al contrario
Sin embargo

Expresiones que indica relación de tiempo, espacio concreto o metafórico, y de orden.
A través de
Alrededor de
A la vez
Por encima de
Por último
En primer lugar
Entre tanto
Después de esto
Al principio

Relaciones que implican causa y efecto

Por tanto
Por lo tanto
Por lo que
Por consiguiente
Tanto… que
Con que
Así que

Para indicar ejemplificación, conclusión, resumen y síntesis

Por ejemplo
De hecho
En otras palabras
Esto es
Es decir
En conclusión
En resumen
En general
En suma
De este modo
Para concluir
O sea
Mejor dicho

Para indicar similitud o paralelo

De la misma forma
De la misma manera
De forma similar
De igual forma


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Palabras para persuadir

Here’s a list of words and phrases you can use in your essay to help it flow better…
Palabras útiles para una escritura persuasiva – algunas transiciones para conectar ideas en un ensayo

Para exponer una serie de ideas
al igual
segundo (a)
en primer lugar
tercero (a)
por lo tanto
así que
de esa manera
por eso

Para introducir detalles
por ejemplo
como evidencia
en hecho
en apoyo de esto

Para comparar

en el mismo sentido
en contraste
comparado a
todos son
de esta manera
lo que tienen en común
al contrario

Para refutar
sin embargo
en oposición a
en cambio
si bien
es posible que
por otro lado
hay personas que
no obstante

Para concluir
En suma
En pocas palabras
Por las razones expuestas
Por lo tanto
en su mayor parte
sin duda
en breve
para resumir

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El taller: ¡Abierto!

The Writing Centre has opened for the semester and it is now possible to make appointments by signing up on the schedule posted on BuTo804. The schedule is posted on Wednesdays at 12 noon.


There are appointments from Monday to Friday, with a drop in session on Tuesday mornings, and digital consulting available on Thursdays between 12.30 and 2.30pm. Just email fhiswritingcentre@gmail.com with your questions.


Las citas tienen lugar en BuTo 898. Cada cita dura 40 minutos. ¡No se olvide de traer DOS copias de su trabajo!


¡Hasta pronto!

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