- revised syllabus published
- updates to public central general site for all sections of FREN 101 and 102
Dear students,
This message contains nothing urgent that requires your attention, and can wait until the end of the holiday weekend, and Tuesday morning. I’m emailing you now to reassure those of you who have expressed worry. I do no otherwise email about work matters at the weekend and on public holidays, and I do not expect you to read such emails or to be working at such times. We may be living in changed times, but UBC’s Respectful Environment Statement still applies to all of us.
Main news: in case you were still not clear on this, THE FINAL EXAM IS OPTIONAL.
- how this will work: see Révisions et examen final *optionnel* (
- FREN 101
2020-04-12 general (= for all sections) syllabus, in PDF: - FREN 102
2020-04-12 general (= for all sections) syllabus, in PDF:
- Central location for FREN 101 and 102 information:
- Summary of 2020-04-12 changes:
—the final exam is OPTIONAL: students having voted on this change, 2020-04-08 to -09
—the final exam is a remote honour-code limited-open-book take-home, open for 24 hours
—if you choose to do the exam and its mark raises your final grade, then the exam mark counts
—if you choose not to do the final exam, or if your mark would lower your final grade: the pre-exam 60% becomes the final grade, without changing the proportional weighting of each assignment
—see also: Révisions et examen final *optionnel*
- Summary of 2020-03-16 changes:
—classes and office hours are now online
—test 2 and final exam online: remote honour-code take-home
—attendance and technology etiquette policies waived
—savoir-vivre change: removal of requirement for 3 visits to the FHIS Learning Centre (or equivalent in-person interaction in French), as the LC is now closed
—late work policy waived: no late penalties, all due dates are now flexible, late work WILL be accepted
- See also:
—FREN 102 and 102 emails sent to students from mid-March onwards:
Best wishes for the holiday long weekend, whatever your creed might be and however you might be celebrating,
Dr Juliet O’Brien