
Read – The Background of Educational Gaming

Before understanding where the educational gaming market is heading, we must first understand where it has been. This means taking an in-depth look at the impact of gaming on education past and present. In the following section, you will learn about the history, theory and challenges of DGBL. We invite you to start by watching this insightful TED talk by Rick Van Eck on “The Gaming of Education”. Following that, please take a look at the history of the educational gaming industry timeline that we have prepared for you. Next, shift to the theoretical, as you learn about the theory and criticism surrounding video games in education. Finish by reading about the challenges that educators face integrating DGBL into their classrooms.

Watch – Rick Van Eck “The Gaming of Education” (TEDx)


One Response to Background

  1. jldr

    I enjoyed this video. I especially like how it linked game-based learning to educational theory by providing concrete definitions and very accessible examples of the zone of proximal development, situated cognition and engagement. Good choice!

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