The Global Queer Research Group
Transitional Justice Network
Presents Dr. Chris Dolan
Dr. Chris Dolan is Director of the Refugee Law Project (RLP), a community outreach project of the School of Law, Makerere University, Kampala. Chris is also the project coordinator for the RLP’s work on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence & Persecution, a position which brings him into regular contact with survivors of sexual violence, sexual minority groups, and refugee sex workers (male and female). Chris has worked in Uganda for six of the last 11 years, as well as spending a year in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2005), a year in Mozambique (1996), and five years in South Africa (1992-1996). His recent book, Social Torture; The Case of Northern Uganda, 1986-2006 (Berghahn Books, 2009), is widely regarded as one of the essential references for those interested in understanding the situation in Uganda as well as gender dynamics and masculinities in conflict and post-conflict settings. Chris has also served as a country expert for LGBT asylum cases from sub-Saharan Africa since 2002, and currently chairs the Ugandan Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights & Constitutional Law, established initially to combat the notorious Anti-Homosexuality Bill which was tabled in October 2009, and more recently extending its focus towards sexual rights advocacy more broadly.
The TJN and GQRG will be hosting two public events with Dr. Chris Dolan
“Queering Transitional Justice?”
Engaging and Exploring Transitional Justice with Sexual and Gender Minorities Workshop
Lead by Chris Dolan
Monday, February 27 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
3rd Floor Board Room Liu Institute for Global Issues
Violence against sexual and gender minorities in periods of conflict, instability, and social unrest has gotten increased attention by the international media. While much has been written on anti-queer violence and oppression of sexual and gender minorities around the world, this awareness is not reflected in the field of transitional justice. This gap is particularly alarming since homophobia, anti-queer violence, hegemonic masculinities, mass militarisation and sexual violence in conflict settings all intersect. This workshop is an amazing opportunity for scholars and activists who are interested in identifying the obstacles sexual and gender minorities face in overcoming embedded homophobia, homonormativity and heteronormativity in transitional justice processes, and aims to generate some entry points to addressing these challenges. The workshop is free and open to the public, but is limited to only 20 participants.
Please RSVP here
“They Slept With Me”
A Film Screening and Special Talk
With Chris Dolan
Gender Violence Against Men in the Great Lakes region and the Challenges it poses for Transitional Justice
Monday, February 27
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Multipurpose Room
The Liu Institute for Global Issues
Chris Dolan will be presenting a brand new Refugee Law Project documentary on sexual violence. Entitled “They Slept With Me”, the film builds on the earlier “Gender Against Men” (2009), to further expose and explore the hidden world of sexual and gender-based violence against men in the conflicts of the Great Lakes Region. The pain and anger in the testimonies of several male survivors of sexual violence in the northern Uganda conflict raise burning questions about the prospects of success in their search for justice.
After the film presentations, all are invited to join Chris in a discussion about the critical issues raised by the documentaries, as well as to ask further questions about the Refugee Law Project’s day-to-day work with male survivors of sexual violence.
This event is free and open to the public.
Please RSVP here
For more information, please contact
Katherine Fobear