Was this a good day or a bad day?

– Failed another math quiz (and by failed I mean I got it back and it was NOT a pass. BOO SCHOOL.) (This quiz is different from the one that I’m pretty sure I got a solid mark on)
– Got slightly below average on my physics midterm (I seriously – I don’t – so much – this was my fault and I hate myself for it)
– I spilled hot chocolate into Taylor’s (HE’S SUPER FRIENDLY THOUGH) backpack and got some of his papers nice and chocolate-y (I am so sorry Taylor if you ever read my blog I am so so so so sorry) …(Guys I felt like a horrible human being.)
– It got dark before I got on the bus and my shoes got wet
– I got ditched by a friend from high school that I was supposed to bus home with
– The skytrain was PACKED when I got to Commercial (Curse you rush hour!!!)
–  I managed to not absorb any information from both my lectures today.
– I haven’t touched my English 112 paper due next Wednesday (Just kidding, I promise, I’m actually multi-tasking and doing it right now too)

– Finished a rough draft of my Chem Lab Exam procedure (Yay acid base titrations?)
– Got free hot chocolate
– Actually did a solid 20 minute work out
– Found out I don’t have Physics Class on Thursday!
– Got through my CSP Workshop presentation alive 😀 (Though there was a little scare that the powerpoint wouldn’t work at first, but it ended up working out!)
–  I got to see that cute guy that I love to ogle on campus (Wait which one is that?) (Wait, Kim, that’s creepy)
– Pretty sure I got a solid mark on my math quiz.
– Remembering Paul Lee wasn’t from Vancouver and didn’t know what English Bay was and why fireworks were being fired from boats in the water.
– I ATE WAFFLE FRIES WITH GRAVY (So food will always be a win?)

Okay so I didn’t know how this post would go. But I started my morning receiving that horrid physics mark and it kinda ruined my entire day. But doing this really made me realize that today was not a bad day. It was a pretty damn average, basically alright, day.

Plus I ate some waffle fries. Seriously if you haven’t had those head to the SUB and go downstairs. Please eat them. Eat them for me. Enjoy them. Nomnonmnomnomnom waffle fries.

Anyways, I recommend doing this if you felt you’ve had a bad day. You’d be surprised at how many good things you can come up with. Plus it’ll make you realize that maybe, just maybe, your day wasn’t that bad at all 🙂


I swear I didn’t die…

Even though it feels like it’s been five hundred million years since I last blogged. (It’s been like two weeks)

I’m going to be honest guys, I’m feeling a little down.

Gotta blog about the good AND the bad right?

So here’s my “bad”: I have no idea what I’m doing right now.

I spend a lot of time thinking now a days. Thinking about if I’m in the right courses, in the right faculty, hell, am I even in the right school? There’s so much confusion and insecurity and a lot of feeling lost.

I’m pretty sure it’s totally normal for first years, but it’s still super scary.

It’s scary not knowing what the future will be like, you know? Not knowing whether or not all the effort I put into my classes now will pay off. Not knowing what I’m going to do. Not knowing if what I decide to do is something that will make me happy.

I’m a super indecisive person. I don’t really like to say that one particular thing/career would make me happy. I don’t know what I’m going to do and where I’m going to go and what I’m going to specialize in. I’M VERY CONFUSED.

Then there’s the fact that I used to get good grades in high school. Sure, it’s easy to joke about how I’m just going for a pass, but I’ve never actually felt that I would fail anything. Until first year university. I feel like I had something good going on in high school: great friends, good reputation, good standing with my teachers, super involved. And now I’m here and it’s like the rug has been ripped right out from under me.

I’m here in a place where I have no reputation, where I start fresh. And isn’t that a good thing?

Right now? No. Because no one knows that despite the horrid grades I’m getting, I actually do understand material, I’m just not good at tests. Never was. And so people usually think I’m stupid. And it’s a blow to my ego… And patience (which I already have little of) when people explain things to me thinking I can’t understand simple english.

Later on in the year (aka when I’m not feeling so pessimistic about EVERYTHING?) Yeah. It’ll be good. It’ll be nice to finally have my own self-earned rep. In high school I earned a reputation of being “smart” because my older sister was a super genius and my high school is small and we look the same. Naturally people assumed we had the same brain. (WE DEFINITELY DO NOT). So being in university where no one knows who my sister is or what grades I got, it’s a change.

I’m blogging about this because it’s literally all I keep thinking about. I KEEP THINKING ABOUT THE FUTURE. What the heck am I going to do for the rest of my life? Being a student is all I know. What the heck will happen to me.

YOU GUYS I DON’T KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON WITH ME. All I wanna do is lay on my couch and watch TV for the rest of my life. …Which is super sad. And would get boring after 2 days. But that’s what I feel like doing.

OKAY OKAY. Positive ending because I don’t want to be a total downer…

It’ll get better. And I know it will. No matter how or when it WILL get better. And if any of you are feeling the same way I am, then you are not alone (and neither am I, yay!) and I swear it’ll get better.

Positivity here I come! … (after the midterms maybe.)

This post was way longer then I thought it’d be. Sorry if I bored you with my somewhat depressing musings.

I want out of this funk asap.

Chem Lab Reports

What?! Two posts in one day? Within the same hour?! KIM, I’M IMPRESSED. Thank you, thank you, you’re all wonderful.

Buuut… I just wanted to say a quick thing.

Lab reports. 

TAs say “Oh do them within two days after the lab”. Not because that’s when they’re due, but because that makes it 52455461151212 times easier to finish. (I calculated that number myself.)

I thought I’d put off my chem lab report until today because of midterms but I realized I just about forgot everything that happened in the lab AND in the lab prep that I did. And therefore writing the lab report is significantly more effort than it was before.

Chem 121 lab reports are relatively easy, considering it’s just the pink sheets. Filling them out usually takes no time at all. That’s why I’m kinda mad I didn’t fill it out right after the lab.

Advice: Do the lab report as soon as you can. You’ll tell yourself it’s easy (because it usually is) and you’ll tell yourself that’s why you can do it later. But the reason it’s easy is because everything you did in prep and in the lab is still fresh and when you wait, all that information gets fuzzy and forgotten and you have to look it up all over again and second guess yourself and it ends up way more work than it should be.

Ergo, do the lab report as soon as you can.


I just used the word ergo.

And I’m almost positive I used it properly.

Check that one off my bucket list.