Archive for March, 2012

It’s an App world afterall!

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

How would you customize any of the mobile technologies discussed in this lesson to facilitate embodied learning or mobile learning for math or science? Explain your choices. I am fascinated by the prospects of using Apps in the classroom to teach science and math. Apps like other simulations, applets and sites provide learners with experiences […]

Authentic Learning using Networked Communities

Saturday, March 17th, 2012

I shake my head in amazement at the educational content present on the Web. I look back at my barren education – limited to text books, libraries, and the “word” of the teacher. I wonder if I would have better understanding of science and math concepts if these multimodal online resources and networked communities were […]

Applicability of Information Visualization Software

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

As a class we have built a very comprehensive collection of virtual simulations for science and virtual math manipulatives. Now does having a good collection make me a better math /science teacher? I have a large library in my class filled with multitudes of fiction and non-fiction books. Does that make me a good Language […]

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