Archive for the 'Module A. Framing Issues' Category

Framing Issue – Final

Monday, February 13th, 2012

Introduction: As an elementary school teacher I have always found myself at the tail end of applying educational technologies.  Whether it is an acquisition of a computer lab, Wi-Fi, or need of software, the elementary schools seem to be the last ones to get them.  Currently the emphasis has been to explore and use those […]

Professional Development: Inquiry B

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

There have been multitude discussions in this course and probably all my previous MET courses about how to get more teachers to adopt technology in their classrooms. Here is a comment I made in response to another comment on Vista, but which led me examine the topic more closely. Inquiry B

A snapshot of my core teaching principles…

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

As I look over some of my posts earlier on in the course, I am able to see my pedagogical beliefs reflected… Jan. 7, 2012 [ on trying  to sort technology…] Technology is a huge spectrum….we can be on one end and never see or fathom the other end. Like some will only relate to […]

Reflections: An e-folio entry

Sunday, January 22nd, 2012

The word that summed up my understanding of all the interviews and forum discussions around them is TRANSITION. Transition can be defined as a passage from one form, state, style, or place to another. My purpose during the interviews and discussions had been to examine the application of technology in elementary education and figure out […]

Building My Own Case: an interview

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

BM teaches grade 4/5 split at my school. He has been teaching for the past 11 years and just completed his M.Ed. in School & Applied Child Psychology. BM enjoys technology. He has recently acquired an Ipad and is experimenting with Cloud Technology. Response Analysis Question: What is the place of technology in elementary education? […]

Case Studies

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012

The Good Use of Technology: 1.Learning Environment 4 [Elementary School: Space Science] As I watched the interview and the activities happening in the back what stood out for me was the collaborative group work and active learning happening in the class. It was an implementation of Chickering and Gamson’s (1987) principle of developing reciprocity and […]

Unpacking Assumptions

Saturday, January 7th, 2012

Though, like many, I am guilty of using technology to display information in science and encouraging math games and drills on websites, playing Jeopardy, or some labeling activity on the Smartboard, I believe that a more meaningful use of technology in a science and math class would be an interactive setup where students can examine […]

Auto e-ography

Saturday, January 7th, 2012

Growing up in a remote town in India, my education was never touched by technology. When I finally saw a computer in my late teens, it was treated as an office machine that was to make life easy for the secretaries and the accountants. I went ahead and learned dBase IV [a data management system] […]

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