Inquiry F

Embodied Learning:
“Cognitive scientists have discovered compelling evidence that nearly all of our experiences are in some way grounded in the body.” @

I am always compelled to find overlaps in learning theories- because there always are. It seems everyone attempts to say the same thing in their own way and claim a stake over the concept.

So when I read that the cognitive scientists have come up with this novel find about our brain learning from our somatic experiences – I was puzzled. Is that not how humans have been learning for ever? We doactivities and learn from them. We learn to drive, cook , sing, write, articulate – by doing these activities over and over again. Haven’t situational learning, apprenticeship, inquiry based learning – all hinted at the same concept?

I guess the cognitivist’s have found physical evidence that brain changes as we explore ideas somatically. So instead of calling it a new learning concept, we should call it a cognitive confirmation of an existing (constructivist?) idea.

I am glad to see this confirmation as it strengthens the way I teach. As teachers we blend all learning theories for maximum advantage. So I believe that all learnings finally help the students build strong mental models within their schemas which are based on their prior knowledge, experience and exposure.

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