Baby Bullet!

Just recently, my friend showed me this youtube video of this really cute and interesting product called the Baby Bullet which is an addition to the magic bullet. The first impression I had after watching the video was how cute and funny this product is but at the same time it seems very useful. This is the video link: YouTube Preview Image

The design of this product is very eye catching because it made the original magic bullet to turn into a baby looking machine with a smiley face on it. You can see that the company used product extension and created another item by feeding off the magic bullet since it was so successful.

If this product were to go through the product life cycle, I would say it is currently at the growth stage since it has been introduced about a year already and now I think more people are beginning to hear about it and actually willing to try it. The feedback from people are quite good since they are really happy with how fast it can make baby food at a very cheap price. This product is definitely targeting mom’s and since they provided trialability  through letting people try out the machine, more people are willing to try out this product.

For more information about this product check out their website: This product is definitely successful because no only did it create a blender but it also added accessories such as babycups or baby bowls or even spatulas that went with the whole baby bullet set. Since the magic bullet was a brand itself and it delivered a certain promise of blending anything or grate anything in a very short amount of time. Now the baby bullet is building onto this brand and trying to deliver a promise of being able to blend any food into baby food within 10 seconds.

Overall, I found this product really cute and amusing and I think because of it’s innovative design and packaging, it will definitely be a profitable product as it can differentiate itself and produce a unique brand.

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