The World of Youtube

YOUTUBE is one of the most creative and wonderful sites ever created. I love going on youtube, in fact I can spend my whole day just watching videos on youtube. What is its marketing strategy and why is it so successful? I think this site is where companies market their products, it is where companies showcase advertisements and videos, it is where dancers promote themselves, it is a  place to attract consumers to watch certain movies and most important it is a place to show talent.

Many singers were discovered through youtube and few of my favourite singers that are not really famous yet but most people know them through youtube include AJ Rafael, Kina Grannis and David Choi. Another group that got really famous through youtube is the Wong Fu productions and basically they help a lot of different talented singers make music videos and of course they make short video clips and movies themselves too. I love them and i love how they are all connected and how they showcase their talent and actually got famous through the use of Youtube. AJ Rafael actually came and did a small concert and David Choi is also coming to perform on March 27th as well!

Some of my favourite videos and songs made by Wong Fu productions and sung by AJ Rafael  and David Choi.

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Such a talented singer <3

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I guess Youtube is super successful because of its positioning strategy and being able to have the right target market. All these famous youtubers know us teenagers or young adults will always watch youtube and surf the internet so that is why they can capture the markets and they can get famous without having to compete in singing contests. The distribution strategy is directly to the customers, they directly deliver I guess service and it is like a medium used to reach out to consumers without having to sell products at an actual location. This is definitely an internet channel, because Youtube offers the convenience of just going on to the site to learn about special products and how these products function.

Finally, Youtube not only helps to market products or help people get famous, it is a site that provides resources and entertainment for consumers that choose to watch Youtube rather than television.

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This is one of my all time favorite song!!!!- Kina Grannis and David Choi

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1 Response to The World of Youtube

  1. I definitely agree with you regarding the whole success of Youtube and how adolescence like us will be willing to spend a whole deal of time just watching videos. In fact, Kina Grannis is currently one of my favourite artists- through Youtube, she was able to display her talent to the world, and now she tours around the states all the time. I am also a follower of Wong Fu Productions- their videos are just awesome!

    David Choi is coming to Vancouver on March 27th at Venue- tickets are only $15 :).

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