The New Ipad 2

Last year, when Apple started selling the Ipad, I was not really interested since I thought it only looked cool and fun to play with but it wouldn’t provide a lot of functions or help me with what i need in daily life. However just today, Apple launched the Ipad 2 and I don’t know why but it looks so slim and nice and is definitely attracting me to buy it! I think the new design and software updates and all the different function is very attractive and Apple just made a product to further distinct themselves from their competitors.

Here is a link to the ipad 2: YouTube Preview Image

It is interesting how apple prices their products, they are definitely a store that sells premium price products since their brand is very distinct and well known. They have the brand equity and I feel like they are not a profit orientated or sales orientated but more a customer oriented company. They focus on consumers who highly value their products and they sell it at a relatively high price. Yet as consumers we actually buy these products because Apple produces such innovative and nice products that we feel obligated to buy and fit into the social trend.

Since the Ipad for Apple started on the introduction stage last year and now its in the growth stage and more people are willing to purchase this product now, apple can gain more profits. Since apple is in a pure competition, there are not many substitute products which means Apple does not have to lower their prices to compete.

I think Apple is once again very successful in creating newer and eye catching products, customers who are loyal to them will continuously buy their products and since they constantly make new models, Apple has become one of the most trendiest and most well known brand in the world.

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