1000 Paper Crane for Japan

One of the most devastating natural disaster has happened to Japan on March. 11, 2011, an 8.9 magnitude earthquake that destroyed Japan and caused a lot of death. The situation has not gone any better since Japan now has to face nuclear bomb explosions.

I was reading an article about the radiation level rising in Japan http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/asia-pacific/fukushimas-radiation-levels-force-workers-to-leave/article1942915/

This natural disaster killed more people than the horrible 911 attack and some people were saying if you add 9-11-01 and 3-10-11 ( the date that the earthquake happened in japan) you get 12-21-12 which is really scary because that is surprisingly the date with the world coming to an end.

Here is another video footage of how scary the natural disaster is and I really cannot imagine myself being there and surviving a situation like this

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I constantly remind myself everyday how lucky I am to be safe which is why I really want to use this post to  tell people how we could help Japan get through this horrible disaster. After hearing about this news, I feel so proud to be in a place where everyone is willing to help and to start initiatives to fund-raise money for Japan. One of the initiatives happening at Sauder is folding 1000 paper crane for Japan and every student donates a minimum of one dollar for every crane they fold. Japan has this tradition that after folding a 1000 cranes we can make one wish and that wish will come true.

Few ways to get people to know about this is to use mutichannel marketing. First of all make sure there is a place to promote this event since location is always really important. The sauder building is a good place but it only targets sauder students so expanding to other locations can be useful to get the word out and to get more donations. Another way is to use social media: twitter and facebook and this works very effectively because it captures a large segment of people. Finally it is also important to use word of mouth and since this is such a meaningful way to help Japan, I am sure if it gets promoted well, everyone will be willing to donate and help out.

So I hope everyone will help Japan out either by folding cranes or donating money or having charity concerts or simply just praying for them.

I send my love and prayers for those in Japan- You can get through this,  Stay strong!

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