“Telus Commercial- Toy Story”

I recently stumble across this really cute advertisement for Telus and I have always been a big fan of Telus advertisements. The idea that Telus focuses on is providing a friendly service but they always tend to have great ads where they use cute characters or these really catchy music that just always get stuck in my head. They also always tend to use these really cute animals to raise awareness for their brand.

One ad that I found extremely eye catching and cute is this one:

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1. Identify the target audience: I think the target audience they are trying to get is older adults with families as well as the younger generations because they are creating this “toy story” to attract young people to watch it. They are also trying to get the adults to watch this ad and remind them of how fun it was to be a kid and to play with toys. This would be targeted towards all age but more focus on families since they are the ones that will be using their plans.

2. Set Advertising Objectives: I would say this advertisement is a reminder advertising and informative advertisement. It is a reminder since it makes this really fancy video with catchy music to remind customer about the Telus brand and how it will always focus on being a friendly company. It is informative because it tells customers that the blackberry storm is coming soon and it gives a short flash of all the other cell phones telus provides.

3. Determine the Advertising budget: I don’t think the budget for this ad was very high since they are not trying to introduce a new product, don’t need to put a lot of money on advertising.

4. Convey the Message: The message that is conveyed is that Telus is a friendly environment, it is like a toy story and magic happens when you use Telus meaning they ahve a really good supply chain, everything connects and using their service will make your lives a lot easier.

Overall this is a very effective advertisement and personally, I think the music just makes it stand out even more along with the graphic. As Telus tagline mentions:

“The future is friendly” =)

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