All pictures in this blog are taken around British Columbia since my first year at UBC. Enjoy.
Welcome to my blog!
This site houses a student’s journey through English 301, an upper-year online technical writing course offered at the University of British Columbia. The course offers insight into communicating in the ever-evolving business and professional world through applicable practices such portfolio building, resume writing, and self-editing skills. It is supplemented by the textbook Technical Communication (13th Edition).
ENGL 301 is divided into four units that each consist of three lessons:
Unit 1 – Principles, Practices and People: Beginning to build sites for ENGL 301 e-meeting classmates and focusing on the genre of business correspondence and studying the study of principles of audience, tone, clarity, and presentation.
Unit 2 – Designing a Report Proposal; Defining Terms with Audience in Mind: Writing a proposal for a formal report project for peer review, building a Linked-In profile and online resume.
Unit 3 – Designing a Report Outline & Draft; Building your Resume and Job Application Skills: Drafting a formal outline of the report for peer and instructor feedback, exploring UBC’s Career Services website to create a full job, international volunteer, or graduate school application package for your Linked-In page.
Unit 4 – Drafting the Formal Report; Peer Review of the Final Report Draft: Finalizing formal report with attention to matters of organization, evidence, audience and style; completing application assignments.
As I delve into the course, I hope to become a more efficient, concise, and interesting writer. With peer and instructor feedback I am prepared to learn about writing with you attitude and collaborating on projects. I can already see myself looking back on this course for writing tips in the future!
Navigate through the top menu to find:
Bio – a bit about me
Blog – reflections throughout the course
Application Package – documents useful for applying for work or school
Best Work – highlights of the course
Online Resume – my background and achievements
LinkedIn Profile – get in touch!