Augmented Reality

March 29th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Augmented reality is an emerging technology that superimposes computer-generated images on the real world with the help of a cell phone camera or special video glasses. With the recent explosion in smartphone sales and usage, creatives have been challenged to go beyond the boundaries to develop innovative and cutting-edge marketing ideas tailored for the mobile space. Alongside location-based marketing, many brands have focused on augmented reality applications to create the “wow” factor and engage consumers with interactive experiences.

According to ABI Research, the market for augmented reality (AR) in the US alone is expected to hit $350m (£218m) in 2014, up from about $6m (£3.8m) in 2008. It will be very interesting to see which brands jump on board this game-changer and how they employ this technology in their marketing mix.

Watch this video to see how National Geographic comes to life with its augmented reality campaign:



Brands using Google+ for User Engagement

March 29th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Since early November, Google+ has rolled out Brand Pages for companies and many have jumped on the platform and have actively encouraged their followers to comment, +1 and reshare brand posts with others in their circle. According to comScore, users spent an average of 3.3 minutes on Google+ in January 2012, a drop from 5.1 minutes in November 2011 and 4.8 minutes in December. While usage isn’t as high as other established social networks, companies are starting Brand Pages there and seeing a spark of consumer engagement occurring.

The specific times where engagement was very high on Google+ was in the mornings and on Wednesdays. This indicates that as users are starting out their morning and going through their emails and checking up on their social networks, Google+ is being added into the daily mix.

Fashion retailer H&M has the most followed Brand Page on Google+, with over 562,873 followers. This beats out heavyweights Pepsi, Starbucks and Coca-Cola. This may be due to the fact that H&M has posted to its Brand Page over 318 times, which is more than any other brand, except for Ferrari which has around 8,027 followers.


Have you embraced Google+ into your daily mix and if so, what brands do you follow?




Why CEOs Should be Tweeting

March 28th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

According to a study by social media branding firm BRANDfog, consumers and employees regard company leaders who engage on social media platforms with positivity. Perhaps it’s time for more CEOs to embrace the world of hashtags.

Consumers believe that leaders in the C-suite who engage in social media can benefit how they perceive a brand and its executive leadership. 78% of respondents said that CEO participation in social media leads to better communication, while 71% said it leads to improved brand image and 64% said it provides more transparency.

The social media presence of a company also has the power to influence purchase decisions. The majority of survey respondents (77%) said they were more likely or much more likely to buy from a company whose CEO uses social media to clearly define company values and leadership principles. An alarming majority (94%) said C-suite social media participation enhances a brand image.

Employees are also affected by CEO activity on social networks as this can influence their faith in the company. The study indicates that 82% of employee respondents trust a company more when the CEO and leadership team communicate via social media.

On the flipside, CEOs can benefit by gaining insight as to how consumers and employees are viewing the company and its products by tapping into the online community – something that reports and numbers cannot translate.

Here are 5 Top CEOs to follow on Twitter:

1. Jack Welch, GE:!/jack_welch

2. Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group:!/richardbranson

3. Bill Gates, Microsoft:!/BillGates

4. Eric Schmidt, Google!/ericschmidt

5. Pete Cashmore, Mashable!/mashable

Do you follow any CEOs on twitter and if so, who are they?


Interactive YouTube Video: Mad Men

March 26th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Interactive videos are like a choose-your-own adventure storybook where users can choose the course of action or just play around with content and enjoy the visual entertainment. It’s a fresh way to tell a story and reward loyal fans with something unique and unexpected, ultimately bringing them closer to a brand or product. In this case, to build up anticipation for the fifth season of Mad Men, the award-winning Fine Brothers released this 8-part game on YouTube.

I was definitely really intrigued by this idea and pleasantly amused by the usage of hidden jokes and character nuances that only a long-time Mad Men fan would enjoy. This is a great example of an engaging interactive video.

Have you played around with any interactive videos lately and what were your thoughts?




Addicted to Pinterest?

March 20th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink

I am guilty of spending hours pinning away, browsing other people’s boards and repinning images that capture my eye. Personally, my obsession with Pinterest began when my sister suggested to share a board for wedding ideas to help plan her wedding. It just made sharing visuals easier, and not to mention, it was just really fun having a virtual pin board. Now, my use for the platform has expanded into collecting and curating inspiring images from fashion, food to decor.

According to research, Pinterest users spend an average 98 minutes on site per month, third only to Tumblr (2.5 hours) and Facebook (7 hours). This clever and fascinating infographic dives into the mystery behind the addictive pull of Pinterest:




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