Brands using Google+ for User Engagement

March 29th, 2012 § 0 comments

Since early November, Google+ has rolled out Brand Pages for companies and many have jumped on the platform and have actively encouraged their followers to comment, +1 and reshare brand posts with others in their circle. According to comScore, users spent an average of 3.3 minutes on Google+ in January 2012, a drop from 5.1 minutes in November 2011 and 4.8 minutes in December. While usage isn’t as high as other established social networks, companies are starting Brand Pages there and seeing a spark of consumer engagement occurring.

The specific times where engagement was very high on Google+ was in the mornings and on Wednesdays. This indicates that as users are starting out their morning and going through their emails and checking up on their social networks, Google+ is being added into the daily mix.

Fashion retailer H&M has the most followed Brand Page on Google+, with over 562,873 followers. This beats out heavyweights Pepsi, Starbucks and Coca-Cola. This may be due to the fact that H&M has posted to its Brand Page over 318 times, which is more than any other brand, except for Ferrari which has around 8,027 followers.


Have you embraced Google+ into your daily mix and if so, what brands do you follow?





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