Why CEOs Should be Tweeting

March 28th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

According to a study by social media branding firm BRANDfog, consumers and employees regard company leaders who engage on social media platforms with positivity. Perhaps it’s time for more CEOs to embrace the world of hashtags.

Consumers believe that leaders in the C-suite who engage in social media can benefit how they perceive a brand and its executive leadership. 78% of respondents said that CEO participation in social media leads to better communication, while 71% said it leads to improved brand image and 64% said it provides more transparency.

The social media presence of a company also has the power to influence purchase decisions. The majority of survey respondents (77%) said they were more likely or much more likely to buy from a company whose CEO uses social media to clearly define company values and leadership principles. An alarming majority (94%) said C-suite social media participation enhances a brand image.

Employees are also affected by CEO activity on social networks as this can influence their faith in the company. The study indicates that 82% of employee respondents trust a company more when the CEO and leadership team communicate via social media.

On the flipside, CEOs can benefit by gaining insight as to how consumers and employees are viewing the company and its products by tapping into the online community – something that reports and numbers cannot translate.

Here are 5 Top CEOs to follow on Twitter:

1. Jack Welch, GE: http://twitter.com/#!/jack_welch

2. Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group: http://twitter.com/#!/richardbranson

3. Bill Gates, Microsoft:  http://twitter.com/#!/BillGates

4. Eric Schmidt, Google http://twitter.com/#!/ericschmidt

5. Pete Cashmore, Mashable http://twitter.com/#!/mashable

Do you follow any CEOs on twitter and if so, who are they?

Source: http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1008929

Clever and Creative Social Media

February 26th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese’s Mac & Jinx game on Twitter is an excellent representation of a social media campaign that is designed to generate a memorable and meaningful idea.

Mac & Jinx is an interactive game developed by the ad agency, Crispin Porter + Bogusky, which is based on the traditional kids’ game of jinxing. The game is simple, easy to understand, fun and non-intrusive.

How it works:

When two people tweet about mac & cheese, they each receive a message and the first one to call “jinx” by clicking on the URL wins five boxes of mac & cheese and an official Mac & Jinx T-shirt.

Why it works:

By simply searching a given key term and identifying two people who tweet about the same phrase at the same time, Kraft is able to track down potential fans on Twitter using this low-cost method. The benefits of this campaign include improving goodwill, increasing their follower base and creating positive word-of-mouth buzz on the social network.

This campaign proves that a big budget is not necessary to generate big results, but rather that some of the most effective campaigns come from small budgets that are able to deliver substantial impact.

Source: http://mashable.com/2012/02/26/clever-social-media-campaigns/

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