Addicted to Pinterest?

March 20th, 2012 § 2 comments

I am guilty of spending hours pinning away, browsing other people’s boards and repinning images that capture my eye. Personally, my obsession with Pinterest began when my sister suggested to share a board for wedding ideas to help plan her wedding. It just made sharing visuals easier, and not to mention, it was just really fun having a virtual pin board. Now, my use for the platform has expanded into collecting and curating inspiring images from fashion, food to decor.

According to research, Pinterest users spend an average 98 minutes on site per month, third only to Tumblr (2.5 hours) and Facebook (7 hours). This clever and fascinating infographic dives into the mystery behind the addictive pull of Pinterest:




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§ 2 Responses to Addicted to Pinterest?"

  • frankchin says:

    I must admit, I too fall victim to this pinning madness! The interface and ability to share random images is just completely different from other typical social media sites, it offers a sense of thrill and excitement. More importantly, it stirs the curiosity within me. Yes, the images do take center stage, and with imagery comes thoughts and with thoughts comes emotions. Pinterest has done a fascinating job of allowing users to create emotional connections to images in a effortless way and tempting us to share them with the world. I must say, in addition to this, one of the most crucial point of differentiation of Pinterest is the absence of providing personal information and the lack of value placed on it. In the world of Pinterest, there is no discrimination there are only images to paint your board to share with the world!

  • michaeltomlinson says:

    Hey Jill just read the post and I found it really interesting. Pretty crazy but I’ve never used Pinterest! In fact I only heard about it a couple of months ago. I don’t know if its caught on back home and I’m simply out of the loop but I’m going to check it out. I think what intrigues me about the website is how it can be a useful resource (For example your experience and your sisters wedding) rather than say Facebook which is geared up for procrastination/social purposes.

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