Pinteresting Marketing

February 12th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink

Something Pinteresting is happening and Marketers are paying close attention to this engaging platform. Pinterest drives more referral traffic than Google Plus, LinkedIn and YouTube combined, according to Shareaholic’s Referral Traffic Report. These latest findings are based on aggregated data from more than 200,000 publishers that reach more than 260 million unique monthly visitors each month. In her recent post, Hannah discusses the fast-growing and wide-spread popularity of Pinterest and how this visually engaging platform is an excellent use for brands to connect with their audience.

Kate Spade recently launched their brand on Pinterest and represents a perfect example of a brand that is leading the pack in realizing that Pinterest is an attractive opportunity, particular in connecting with women. When Kate Spade was established in 1993, the handbag maker’s target audience were 40-year-old, suburban mothers who loved “vibrant bags with classic lines.”  Today, this focus has shifted towards a younger and global demographic, as exemplified by the fresh, vibrant and modern design and aesthetic of the brand. Kate Spade was successful in repositioning their brand not only because they updated their products, but also because of their use of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to reach this new, younger target market. Now, they’ve ventured into the world of Pinterest.

Instead of purely pinning products that Kate Spade sells, the strategy behind the brand’s marketing is to use the platform in the same way that their consumers do. Kate Spade uses Pinterest to pin inspiring pictures that fit well with the brand, thus acting as a public mood board for the brand. A mood board is simply a collage of related images that marketers often use internally while preparing for campaigns or a new design in order for the team to gain inspiration and visualize what the end product should be like and get a feel for the emotions the product should evoke.

Here are some examples of these pretty pictures:

When asked what the business objective behind this move was, Johanna Murphy, Kate Spade’s VP of Ecommerce confirmed that the strategy was purely to establish brand presence: “It’s for presence. It’s to communicate our brand: who we are, what we believe in, that’s it. And I believe that those who will succeed in Pinterest, from a brand perspective, will take that attitude because if you go up there and start just pinning your own stuff, without having the mood and the spirit of the community, you know, you’re going to turn people off.”




Super Bowl and Social Media

February 6th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

In today’s digital age, many Super Bowl viewers spent commercial breaks going online to see what other people were saying about the game on Facebook and Twitter. Advertisers are leveraging social media to extend the buzz and reach of their ads, essentially creating a longer lifespan for the most expensive television ads of the year. Global brands such as Coca-Cola to Volkswagen have spent record-breaking sums to secure the most valuable and prime television slots in advertising.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the average cost of a 30-second Super Bowl ad this year: $3.5 million, or about three cents per viewer. This is up from $3 million from last year’s Super Bowl. And this number doesn’t even count the cost to actually create the ad, which can easily run into the millions. So, there definitely be enough ROI to justify the premium being paid.

Social media is the logical way to best capitalize on the combination of sports engagement, the Super Bowl, and the viewer’s desire to share their thoughts and opinions on the game and the commercials in real time. Although there still are questions on how exactly to measure the impact of social media with a consistent, industry-accepted method, companies win when people keep talking about their commercials for days on Facebook and Twitter. This is the power and beauty of the buzz factor.

Companies have fully evolved their Super Bowl marketing strategies to emphasize equal weight on broadcast and social media buzz. The key purpose and call to action of most Super Bowl broadcast spots is to drive folks to socially tweet, like, share or mention their spots.

Frito-Lay is an excellent demonstration of how a leading brand has fully embraced user-generated content to pull in their audience. According to Ann Mukherjee, Chief Marketing Officer at Frito-Lay, “People don’t want to be told what they like; people want to tell you what they like.” It’s no surprise that this strong belief and accurate understanding of the consumer’s mind has generated an extremely effective and engaging campaign. The Doritos “Crash the Super Bowl” campaign challenged fans to submit a Super Bowl-worthy commercial with the top prize of winning cash, working with The Lonely Island and obviously bragging rights of having millions of eyeballs viewing their spots.

PepsiCo announced that its consumer-created Doritos brand commercial “Man’s Best Friend” ranked No. 1 in USA Today‘s annual Super Bowl Ad Meter. The ad’s creator, Jonathan Friedman, earned a $1 million cash bonus prize. TiVo also released this year’s top 10 most engaging Super Bowl commercials and moments based on its anonymous audience research data, and Doritos’ user-created “Man’s Best Friend” commercial took the winning lead.

In addition, Dorito’s consumer-generated “Sling Baby,” created by Kevin T. Willson, scored No. 4 on the Ad Meter.

These two consumer-created Doritos ads were among five finalists that were hand picked by the Doritos brand out of over 6,100 total submissions. This year also boasted a record year for the contest as well, with the most consumer-created ad submissions ever and an exceptional level of consumer votes.

Doritos also won Mullen’s “Brand Bowl 2012” based on 400,000 tweets monitored by the Boston ad agency. Doritos was the most effective brand to advertise on the Super Bowl telecast on NBC. Brand Bowl ranks brands based on volume of chatter and positive or negative commentary on Twitter in reaction to their Super Bowl commercials.

What was your favourite Super Bowl commercial this year and what did you think of the Doritos’ consumer-created commercials?

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