Segmenting at its best!

After reading the article on MEC, I was really inspired by their new strategy on approach on their business. Not only have they re-branded themselves by introducing a new logo and campaign but by further and better segmenting their market and targeting their customers. The idea is to let customers pus themselves instead of being pushed.


I am personally impressed at their approach on the market, by segmenting their stores the way they segment their market. They do this by classifying each product in a way that would speak to the customers directly by encouraging their motivations. In my opinion this not only tells me they understand their market bu also that they care about their customers. As yourself now ‘what if multiple businesses approached this strategy?’ wouldn’t customers actually be buying what they want rather than getting unwanted goods, saving the company the hassle to haggle consumers to buy it as well.

However, I wasn’t entirely sure if their change of the logo to MEC was a good move. This is also suggested against by Ries and Trout as they believe it is a No-Name Trap.

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