RE: Kelly Gu’s “The new e-tool: SocialFollow”

I discovered through Kelly Gu’s blog that SocialFollow is yet another social media that links together all your social networks into one place.

Which one would you choose?

The public is bombarded with different websites that do basically the same exact thing, and to get people to notice their differences we have to keep in mind the point of differences that each website is offering. For example, TweetDeck and Sprout Social are both services that help link together all your social network profiles. However, their differences include that Sprout Social is a paid service but they also monitor and analyze your business data and let you know the effectiveness of your marketing, while TweetDeck is a free social media management site but doesn’t offer the same features as other paid services in the market. [1]

As for what Kelly asks: “How many are interested in the analytics [that SocialFollows features] such as how much they had tweeted in the past week?”, in a business’s point of view, I’d say it’s  not the amount of tweets people make that is significant, but rather more of how active social media users are and how a business can use this information to develop a new market strategy. There are studies [2] that show the importance of analytic information and in turn, business could use the information to create new strategies.

Read Kelly Gu’s original blog post:




06. October 2012 by Katie Chow
Categories: Responses | Leave a comment

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