Category Archives for Uncategorized

RE:’s “7 Ways to Cut Your Workplace Water Bills” by Jan Fletcher.

Going through my daily (or may I say “late-night”-ly) internet browsing, I came across this particular business blog, Intuit. The writers of offer many different topics including marketing, business strategies and tips, social media, money, and many, many more. … Continue reading

18. November 2012 by Katie Chow
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One Mistake Changes All

One major mistake by this once top aspirational brand and now they’re slipping down in sales. Coach is experiencing downfalls in sales, and even Wall Street is “hedging its bets” on the company. What did they do wrong, you might … Continue reading

18. November 2012 by Katie Chow
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Vancouver Downtown Eastside: “Open” for business

I came about a Globe and Mail article that mentioned Save-On-Meats and immediately remembered the COMM101 lecture about “social entrepreneurship”. The article explained the new breath of life into the neighbourhood of the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver; entrepreneurs and housing … Continue reading

18. November 2012 by Katie Chow
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Tom Dobrzanski – Bringing Together Passion and Business

Recently, Sauder graduate, Tom Dobrzanski, now a producer, engineer, composer, multi-instrumentalist, and keyboardist for The Zolas, came to speak to my COMM101 lecture. It was truly a treat to hear someone who was able to combine his passion for music … Continue reading

18. November 2012 by Katie Chow
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RE: My Two Dollar’s Blog Post “Be Frugal, But Don’t Be A Cheap Bastard”

  I came about the personal financial blog, My Two Dollars, whilst in the search for a perfect external blog. I browsed through the site, and found a lot of the articles quite interesting, majority of the posts being about … Continue reading

16. November 2012 by Katie Chow
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To Name or Not to Name

Fukyu Sushi Bar located in Montreal has been ordered to change their name to something more inoffensive. The restaurant name, ‘Fukyu’, was named after a type of kata practiced in Japanese martial arts. The restaurant owners chose the name not only … Continue reading

08. October 2012 by Katie Chow
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

Twitter: A New Meaning

According the article in the Globe and Mail, the Canadian corporate and elite initially critiqued Twitter as an embarrassment. They worried that it would upset clients or even worst, lead to leaks of confidential information. However, they began to realize … Continue reading

06. October 2012 by Katie Chow
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

Hello world!

So, let’s get this blog going! Quick introduction: I’m Katie Chow, a first year student at UBC Sauder School of Business. I’m interested in majoring in Marketing and thinking about getting a minor in Entrepreneurship. It’s been a whirlwind of a first … Continue reading

11. September 2012 by Katie Chow
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