
Welcome to my ePortfolio!

Welcome to my ePortfolio! As you navigate through my site, you will discover my passion for health and wellness and my decision to pursue a master’s degree in Kinesiology. I have always been interested in the benefits of staying active and taking care of our bodies. As a former athlete and undergraduate in Kinesiology, I have witnessed the positive impact of physical activity and nutrition on mental and physical health.

My goal is to make a difference in the health and wellness of individuals and communities. That’s why I have chosen to pursue a master’s degree in Kinesiology. This program will equip me with the skills and knowledge I need to develop and implement wellness programs that address the areas of exercise, nutrition, and mental health.

The master’s program in Kinesiology at UBC aligns with my long-term career goals. Its focus on applied research and practical experience will enable me to make a real-world impact. I am excited to learn from the renowned faculty members and participate in their research initiatives. After completing my degree, I plan to work in a healthcare setting or a community-based organization where I can apply my knowledge of Kinesiology to improve the lives of others.

You are also welcome to get check out the About me page for a more comprehensive overview of my academic and professional experience. I invite you to explore my site to learn more about my reflections on my academic journey, my self-assessment, my best work samples, my online resume, and my application package. The purpose of this portfolio is also to be an ongoing record of my academic and career growth. These pages describe my engagement with learning and reflect on my professional experiences. As I acquire new knowledge, learn new skills, and ultimately advance in my career, my ePortfolio will evolve accordingly.