Application Package

Welcome to my application package for the Master of Kinesiology program at UBC. As an undergraduate Kinesiology student, I have developed a passion for the study of human movement and its impact on health and well-being. Pursuing a Master’s degree in Kinesiology will allow me to deepen my understanding of this field and prepare me for a career in academia or industry. On this page, you will find the MKin program application posting, my resume, cover letter, and three reference letters that speak to my academic achievements, work experience, and potential as a graduate student in this program. I am excited about the opportunity to continue my education at UBC and contribute to the research and innovation in Kinesiology. Thank you for considering my application.

The Master of Kinesiology program at the University of British Columbia (UBC) is a comprehensive and rigorous graduate degree program that prepares students for advanced careers in the field of human movement and physical activity.

I am thrilled to submit my application for the Master of Kinesiology program at the University of British Columbia, as it represents a unique opportunity to further my academic and professional goals in the field of human movement and physical activity.

Included in my application package are reference request letters to my KIN483A instructor, Dr. Robert Boushel, and my current supervisor at City Center Community Center, Nelson Chiu, and my coworker Melanie Archer, whose endorsements of my academic and professional abilities, respectively, will greatly strengthen my application to the Mkin program.

Included in this application package is a copy of my resume, which provides a comprehensive overview of my education, professional experience, and skills relevant to the Mkin program.