Examples of My Best Work in English Writing

Welcome to my English writing page! As an English 301 student, I have worked on various writing assignments that have challenged me to develop my writing skills and techniques. On this web page, I have curated my best writing assignments and provided commentary on their purpose, success, and revision process. Each assignment showcases my growth as a writer and highlights my strengths in different writing genres. I have also included links to the revised assignments for your reference. I hope you enjoy reading through my portfolio and appreciate your feedback. Thank you for visiting!

Revised Definition Assignment – I have utilized three different types of definitions, namely parenthetical definition, sentence definition, and expanded definition, to describe and explain the role of a registered kinesiologist:


Revised Peer Review of the Definition Assignment – Peer review is an effective method for students to learn from one another. In this context, I have reviewed Sonja’s work on defining the term “Mechanotransduction” using three different approaches: parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions:


Revised Formal Report Proposal – My research project proposed to improve (Trinity Western University (TWU) students’ fitness participation at the City Center Community Center (C4). With the support of C4, TWU, and my English instructor, the aim was to identify the barriers that influenced TWU students’ fitness activities and develop effective strategies to encourage their active participation. The research would use a survey method to gather data from TWU students who currently participate in fitness activities at the community center, as well as those who do not. The results of this study may be useful for C4’s marketing campaign to increase TWU student participation in fitness activities, thereby promoting a healthy lifestyle among the student population:


Progress Report with Surveys – This is a progress report on the above mentioned research project aimed at improving TWU students’ fitness participation, conducted in collaboration with the City Center Community Center. The project includes a set of survey questions specifically designed for this purpose.:


Revised Proposal Memo – This memo is to inform our instructor of the research proposal for improving fitness participation among TWU students at the City Center Community Center.


Revised LinkedIn Best practices memo – I have compiled a list of practical tips for using the LinkedIn online platform effectively. Additionally, there are several benefits to using LinkedIn that are worth noting. For example, LinkedIn is a powerful tool for professional networking, job searching, and personal branding. It allows users to connect with other professionals in their field, learn about job opportunities, and showcase their skills and experience to potential employers. LinkedIn also offers a variety of resources and tools, such as job search filters, career development courses, and industry-specific news feeds, that can help users stay informed and advance their careers. Overall, LinkedIn is a valuable platform for professionals looking to build their online presence and connect with others in their industry:


Revised Memo to Evan Crisp – If you are a university student looking to enroll in a full-time course, you may need to write a request letter to a professor to secure your spot in the course. Here are some tips I prepared to help you write an effective request letter:


Revised Peer Review of a Formal Report – Peer review is important in research because it ensures quality and validity, helps identify errors and areas for improvement, promotes collaboration and innovation, and helps develop critical thinking and communication skills. As part of my ENGL 301 assignments, I provided peer review feedback on a research report draft created by a fellow student:
