Reflections on Creating a Professional Web Presence

When I set out to create my web folio, one of the first things I had to do was identify my audience. As an applicant for the Master of Kinesiology program at UBC, I knew that the School of Kinesiology would be reading my web folio, so I needed to make sure that the content was relevant and useful to them.

As someone who is not a web designer, I found the process of designing the website to be quite challenging. Fortunately, I was able to use the UBC blog to learn and build the framework for my web folio, which included a home page, an “about me” page, and a blog page. In addition to the challenges of designing a website without prior experience, I also faced the task of integrating visual elements into my web folio. While this was another hurdle to overcome, I recognized the importance of creating an engaging and visually appealing website that would capture my audience’s attention. Through trial and error, I was able to incorporate images into my web folio, which not only enhanced the user experience but also helped to convey my ideas more effectively.

As part of the final project, I was required to revise all of my previous assignments and build corresponding web pages, which was a daunting task. However, I recognized that this exercise was a valuable opportunity to review what I have learned, improve my writing skills and consolidate my learning from throughout the program. By carefully reviewing each assignment and incorporating feedback from my peers and instructor, I was able to refine my writing and present my work in a more polished and professional manner.

Looking back on the process of creating my web folio, I also recognize that creating a web folio has many benefits for my future career. By building a professional website that showcases my work, I am able to demonstrate my skills and abilities to potential employers or clients. It also shows that I am willing to go above and beyond to create a professional online presence that reflects my dedication and commitment to my field. Overall, the process of creating my web folio has been a valuable learning experience that will serve me well in my future endeavors.

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