Category Archives: Blog

Learning to Write: Self-assessment on My Progress in ENG301

As I reflect on my learning process and assignments throughout the ENG301 program, I recognize that I have both strengths and weaknesses. One of my biggest challenges has been mastering the English language, particularly when it comes to grammar and sentence structure. However, I am proud of the small progress I have made in this area and the feedback I have received from peers and instructors on my writing assignments. Throughout the program, I have gained some knowledge and skills that have been instrumental in my growth as a student with better English communication skills. For instance, I have learned how to edit out imperative verbs and pronouns, and to turn negative statements into positive ones. I have also improved my ability to write in a formal and academic tone.

One of my strengths as a student is my rich professional work experience, which has given me a solid foundation in the field of the learning application. I have been able to apply my knowledge from my work experience to my coursework, which has helped me to better understand and retain the material. The best example is that I could start from the scratch to design and implement a work related research for City Center Community Center, and the research results could be potentially used for the gym marketing operation. Despite facing obstacles in writing due to my English language proficiency, I feel a sense of accomplishment in having completed a 16-page research paper. I also have a strong work ethic and am committed to doing my best in all of my assignments.

Looking ahead, I believe that the skills and strengths I have developed as a student will be invaluable in achieving my future career, volunteer, and educational goals. As a kinesiologist, I will need to be able to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, and other professionals in the field. My improved writing skills and ability to write in a formal and academic tone will help me to do so with confidence. Additionally, my work experience and commitment to excellence will serve me well in achieving my professional goals.

Overall, I am proud of the progress I have made throughout the program and am grateful for the opportunities to learn and grow as a student. I am excited to continue developing my skills and knowledge in the field of kinesiology and am confident that my experiences in the program will help me to succeed in my future endeavors.

Reflections on Creating a Professional Web Presence

When I set out to create my web folio, one of the first things I had to do was identify my audience. As an applicant for the Master of Kinesiology program at UBC, I knew that the School of Kinesiology would be reading my web folio, so I needed to make sure that the content was relevant and useful to them.

As someone who is not a web designer, I found the process of designing the website to be quite challenging. Fortunately, I was able to use the UBC blog to learn and build the framework for my web folio, which included a home page, an “about me” page, and a blog page. In addition to the challenges of designing a website without prior experience, I also faced the task of integrating visual elements into my web folio. While this was another hurdle to overcome, I recognized the importance of creating an engaging and visually appealing website that would capture my audience’s attention. Through trial and error, I was able to incorporate images into my web folio, which not only enhanced the user experience but also helped to convey my ideas more effectively.

As part of the final project, I was required to revise all of my previous assignments and build corresponding web pages, which was a daunting task. However, I recognized that this exercise was a valuable opportunity to review what I have learned, improve my writing skills and consolidate my learning from throughout the program. By carefully reviewing each assignment and incorporating feedback from my peers and instructor, I was able to refine my writing and present my work in a more polished and professional manner.

Looking back on the process of creating my web folio, I also recognize that creating a web folio has many benefits for my future career. By building a professional website that showcases my work, I am able to demonstrate my skills and abilities to potential employers or clients. It also shows that I am willing to go above and beyond to create a professional online presence that reflects my dedication and commitment to my field. Overall, the process of creating my web folio has been a valuable learning experience that will serve me well in my future endeavors.

Exploring Writing and Language: Reflections on Defining, Researching, and Peer Reviewing

This collection of the past three reflections explores three different aspects of writing and language:

  1. Reflection on Defining the Term “Registered Kinesiologist” In this reflection, I explore the importance of accurately defining terms and tailoring them to different audiences and purposes. By examining three types of definitions – parenthetical, sentence, and expanded – I gained a clear and comprehensive understanding of the term “Registered Kinesiologist.” Through the peer review process, I learned the importance of incorporating illustrations and adjusting the writing flow to create a logical conclusion.
  2. Reflection on LinkedIn Profile Improvement As I started researching how to improve my LinkedIn profile, I felt excited yet overwhelmed at the same time. In this reflection, I discuss the challenges I faced and the lessons I learned while creating a strong and effective profile. By paying attention to the little details and following the best practices for LinkedIn profiles, I was able to create a professional and attractive online presence.
  3. Reflection on Research Proposal Writing In this reflection, I discuss how I tackled the daunting task of brainstorming and preparing a research report proposal. By conducting thorough research, considering different perspectives, and creating a detailed timeline, I was able to stay organized and focused throughout the report-writing process. Although I felt uncertain about how to put my research into a formal report, I believe that the framework recommended by my instructor will be helpful.

Lessons Learned: Researching and Writing a Formal Report

My experience with researching, organizing, and writing my formal report draft, as well as reviewing my peer’s work, has taught me a great deal about the research process and the effort required to produce a high-quality report. Throughout this experience, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the importance of topic selection, planning, and flexibility.

One of the most valuable lessons I learned is the significance of selecting an appropriate topic. It is crucial to choose a topic that is both interesting and feasible, allowing you to commit to the research process and achieve meaningful results. For my report, I chose the task of encouraging TWU students to exercise at the City Center Community Center. It required a thorough research design, including survey questions and marketing recommendations. To ensure that I stayed on track, I developed a detailed timeline that reflected my research’s progress.

Furthermore, I realized that research is a process, and it requires careful planning, research methods study, and support from relevant organizations and individuals. It is also important to anticipate possible issues and have contingency plans in place, especially when multiple parties are involved. In my case, the survey did not go as planned due to TWU’s late dissemination, resulting in a small sample size. However, I modified my research methods to achieve more robust outcomes.

When it came time to write my formal report, I initially struggled to put my research into a cohesive and informative document. However, using the framework recommended by my instructor, I created a detailed outline that helped me stay organized and focused during the report-writing process.

Finally, the peer review process allowed me to consolidate a more collaborative attitude and empathy towards others’ work. It also exposed me to different research approaches, such as topic selection, audience identification, and research methods. These insights will prove beneficial in future research projects.

Overall, my experience with researching, organizing, and writing a formal report has taught me that this process can be challenging yet rewarding. It requires careful planning, flexibility, and the ability to adjust to unexpected obstacles. By applying the lessons learned during this experience, I feel better prepared to tackle future research projects with confidence.


Lessons Learned: Reflections on Improving LinkedIn Profile, Research Proposal, and Peer Review Process

When I started researching how to improve my LinkedIn profile, I found the process to be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Although I was aware of the benefits of having a professional social media network, I felt unsure about what information to include and how to present myself in a professional manner. Despite the challenges, I was able to navigate through the process by conducting thorough research and consulting resources online. I realized that paying attention to the little details can make a big difference in how my profile is perceived by others. For instance, having a professional-looking profile photo creates a strong first impression and highlights my professionalism. Additionally, a concise and easy-to-understand headline reflects my professional identity and expertise. By following the best practices for LinkedIn profiles and highlighting my skills and experience, I was able to create a strong and effective profile that I am proud of.

Brainstorming and preparing a research report proposal and outline can be a daunting task. However, having a work-related task to resolve can provide direction and focus. In my case, I was tasked with encouraging TWU students to exercise at City Center Community Center. To develop a strong and informative proposal, I thoroughly researched my topic and considered different perspectives before settling on an idea. I also focused on creating a detailed timeline that would help me stay organized and focused during the report-writing process. While I feel uncertain about how to put my research into a formal report, I believe that the framework recommended by the instructor will be helpful. It can help me organize my thoughts and ensure that I include all the necessary information.

Through the peer review process, I learned about the importance of providing constructive feedback that is both helpful and respectful. It is essential for promoting growth, learning, and trust among classmates, and it is also highly encouraged in UBC. When feedback is provided in a respectful and helpful manner, it can help improve relationships between students. By focusing on areas for improvement rather than criticizing individuals personally, feedback can help build stronger, more positive relationships. During the peer review process, I carefully analyzed my classmates’ work and provided feedback that would help them improve their writing while also highlighting their strengths. I also gained valuable insights into the different approaches that people take when it comes to writing reports and research. By learning from my peers, I can expand my own writing skills and find new ways to express my ideas. The vocabulary choices of my classmates can help me learn new words that I can incorporate into my writing, while the level of professionalism they bring to their writing can assist me with proper formatting, grammar, and punctuation. Furthermore, evaluating how effectively my classmates communicate their ideas and arguments can help me identify areas where I need to improve in my own writing to make my ideas clearer. Overall, the peer review process has been an excellent way for me to improve my writing skills and gain insights into the writing of my classmates. I am impressed by the creative and innovative approaches my peers have taken in their writing, and I have learned a lot from their work. Peer reviewing has helped me to be more thoughtful and reflective in my own writing, and I feel more confident in my ability to produce strong and effective reports as a result.

In conclusion, the process of improving a LinkedIn profile, preparing a research report proposal, and participating in the peer review process have all been valuable learning experiences for me. Each task presented its own challenges and required careful research, planning, and execution to produce effective results. Through these experiences, I have learned the importance of attention to detail, constructive feedback, and continuous learning and growth. These skills and insights will be valuable assets as I continue to develop my professional skills and pursue my career goals. Overall, I am grateful for the opportunity to engage in these activities and look forward to applying the lessons I have learned in my future endeavors.


Peer Review link:

Crafting Comprehensive Definitions: Lessons Learned from Defining ‘Registered Kinesiologist’

Defining the term “Registered Kinesiologist” can vary based on the audience, context, and purpose. In this assignment, I explored three types of definitions – parenthetical, sentence, and expanded – to provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of the term.

Through the peer review process with my partner Sonja, I learned the importance of incorporating illustrations to enhance the definition and adjusting the writing flow to create a logical conclusion.

Based on Sonja’s feedback, I revised my definitions of “Registered Kinesiologist”. The link to the revised definitions can be found here: The changes I made include incorporating more context, providing more examples, and adjusting the language for clarity.

In conclusion, this exercise taught me the importance of defining terms accurately and how to tailor definitions to different audiences and purposes. By incorporating feedback and continuously practicing, I can improve my writing skills and create more effective definitions in the future.


Below is the Sonja’s peer review :

Peer Review of Long’s Assignment

Invitation to Technical Writing Team – ENGL301

To: Elly Kim <>

From: Long You <>

Subject: Invitation to Technical Writing Team – ENGL301

Date: Jan 30, 2023


Hi Elly.

Thanks so much for reaching out from CHAT. I am pleased to invite you to join our team for your technical expertise. I am now in my last term of the Kinesiology program. My passion is strength training for athletic performance and mobility improvement training for the older population. I enclosed my letter of application in this email, you can also learn more about me at my ePortfolio:

Now we are waiting for the other two invited students’ decisions to join our team of four. The process should be finalized by Feb 2 the latest.

Your reply is greatly appreciated.


Long You


Invitation to Technical Writing Team – ENGL301

To: Sonja Tang <>

From: Long You <>

Subject: Invitation to Technical Writing Team – ENGL301

Date: Jan 29, 2023


Hi Sonja.

My name is Long You and we are both in ENGL301. Coincidentally, I am also studying Kinesiology and I will get my undergraduate degree this May. It is great to know that we share some common interests in athletic training and physiotherapy. Same as your experiences at the UBC Active Kids program, I am now volunteering at the UBC Changing Aging program.

I firmly believe in your learning philosophy that practicing with a positive attitude will improve the professional relationship with others, it also provides a more enjoyable learning experience. I sincerely invite you to join me to form the technical writing group in ENGL301. I enclosed my letter of application in this email, you can also learn more about me at my ePortfolio:

Your reply is greatly appreciated.


Long You


Invitation to Technical Writing Team – ENGL301

To: Alethea Kramer <>

From: Long You <>

Subject: Invitation to Technical Writing Team – ENGL301

Date: Jan 28, 2023


Hi Alethea,


This is Long You from your ENGL301 class. I am very impressed with your communication skills in media studies and marketing. I also like the clean and concise design of your web portfolio. English is not my native language, but it has been my major communication tool throughout my careers in sales, marketing and customer service.


I sincerely invite you to join me to build the technical writing team in ENGL301. I enclosed my letter of application in this email, you can also learn more about me at my ePortfolio:


Your reply is greatly appreciated.



Long You
