Exploring Writing and Language: Reflections on Defining, Researching, and Peer Reviewing

This collection of the past three reflections explores three different aspects of writing and language:

  1. Reflection on Defining the Term “Registered Kinesiologist” In this reflection, I explore the importance of accurately defining terms and tailoring them to different audiences and purposes. By examining three types of definitions – parenthetical, sentence, and expanded – I gained a clear and comprehensive understanding of the term “Registered Kinesiologist.” Through the peer review process, I learned the importance of incorporating illustrations and adjusting the writing flow to create a logical conclusion. https://blogs.ubc.ca/kin345/?p=372
  2. Reflection on LinkedIn Profile Improvement As I started researching how to improve my LinkedIn profile, I felt excited yet overwhelmed at the same time. In this reflection, I discuss the challenges I faced and the lessons I learned while creating a strong and effective profile. By paying attention to the little details and following the best practices for LinkedIn profiles, I was able to create a professional and attractive online presence. https://blogs.ubc.ca/kin345/?p=377
  3. Reflection on Research Proposal Writing In this reflection, I discuss how I tackled the daunting task of brainstorming and preparing a research report proposal. By conducting thorough research, considering different perspectives, and creating a detailed timeline, I was able to stay organized and focused throughout the report-writing process. Although I felt uncertain about how to put my research into a formal report, I believe that the framework recommended by my instructor will be helpful. https://blogs.ubc.ca/kin345/?p=382

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