Learning to Write: Self-assessment on My Progress in ENG301

As I reflect on my learning process and assignments throughout the ENG301 program, I recognize that I have both strengths and weaknesses. One of my biggest challenges has been mastering the English language, particularly when it comes to grammar and sentence structure. However, I am proud of the small progress I have made in this area and the feedback I have received from peers and instructors on my writing assignments. Throughout the program, I have gained some knowledge and skills that have been instrumental in my growth as a student with better English communication skills. For instance, I have learned how to edit out imperative verbs and pronouns, and to turn negative statements into positive ones. I have also improved my ability to write in a formal and academic tone.

One of my strengths as a student is my rich professional work experience, which has given me a solid foundation in the field of the learning application. I have been able to apply my knowledge from my work experience to my coursework, which has helped me to better understand and retain the material. The best example is that I could start from the scratch to design and implement a work related research for City Center Community Center, and the research results could be potentially used for the gym marketing operation. Despite facing obstacles in writing due to my English language proficiency, I feel a sense of accomplishment in having completed a 16-page research paper. I also have a strong work ethic and am committed to doing my best in all of my assignments.

Looking ahead, I believe that the skills and strengths I have developed as a student will be invaluable in achieving my future career, volunteer, and educational goals. As a kinesiologist, I will need to be able to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, and other professionals in the field. My improved writing skills and ability to write in a formal and academic tone will help me to do so with confidence. Additionally, my work experience and commitment to excellence will serve me well in achieving my professional goals.

Overall, I am proud of the progress I have made throughout the program and am grateful for the opportunities to learn and grow as a student. I am excited to continue developing my skills and knowledge in the field of kinesiology and am confident that my experiences in the program will help me to succeed in my future endeavors.

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