People are likely to miss a lot of commercials and advertisements while flipping though the newspapers and magazines or watching TV. However even then, the charm of a celebrity rarely goes unnoticed. Using celebrities in advertising, due to their physical attractiveness, help customers to remember the brand during shopping.

Studies show that effectiveness of celebrity endorsements is derived from the fact that consumers have a preconceived image of the celebrity in their minds, and then this will in turn be connected to the product which is being endorsed. These endorsements improve source credibility, believability, and likeability of products. The notion that after being faced to a personality is linked to a given product enough times the mind will make a link. Whenever the mind evokes memory of the star it will come up with memories of the product. It is called “Associative Learning Theory”
Children and teenagers in North America are seen as targets by advertising campaigns. Quick growth in television stations and social media has also led advertisers to market straightaway to youth. Since they are heavy media users and early adopter of technology, marketing using both television and social media are pretty attractive ways. However, youth who are mostly vulnerable to advertising environment and lacking in judgment is absolutely the victim.
Celebrity endorsements encourage the children usually get more attracted towards expensive branded products. Their favorite celebrities who put on luxurious clothes make teenagers look to something cooler than themselves.

Also, Junk foods, such as hamburgers and soft drinks, are heavily advertised during children’s TV viewing time. This makes a craving for fatty, sugary and fast foods in teenagers, thereby affecting their health.

Last but the most serious thing in my point of view is sexual suggestive advertisements. Walking through the streets, there are many advertisements that show sexual oriented products. These ads have model’s sexually explicit postures or slang that makes people take notice. Since young people are curious of sex and have poor judgment, I believe they are much more likely to participate in sexual activities if they are exposed to sexual behavior in their life. Also, many teenage girls tend to follow their ideal models that are ultra skinny and it affects adversely on their health and self-confidence.

Advertisers should be careful when they make commercials. I believe if they are smart business people who have studied ethics, profession and responsibility; they have to consider not only profits but also the effect of celebrity endorsement on society!!! Associative learning theory wields strong influence over our life!
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