Tuesday Feb 11th, 2020: Emma Novotny

Emma Novotny is the Design Manager from UBC Faculty of Arts. In this session, she will be leading a visualization feedback session for the group!

If you have a visualization that you think could be improved, that you would like the eye of a graphic designer on, or would otherwise like feedback from Emma please submit it to LAVA before the end of day on Monday February 3rd . With the visualization, please include:

  1. The context – what project is this for?
  2. What is the goal of the visualization?
  3. Who is the audience?
  4. How will it be used?
  5. Any other detail you think is important for feedback

If you don’t have your own visualization to show but know of one that you would like to see improved send that! Emma will choose 1-3 of the visualizations and spend time on the 11th talking about her thoughts on how to improve the visualization/ what she might change/other feedback.

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