Author Archives: nlim20

Nutritional Epidemiology research and teaching seminars – Jan 20/21, 30/31

Our faculty will be interviewing candidates for a new position in Nutritional Epidemiology this month. We would like to invite you to the research and teaching seminars that each of the candidates will be giving. One candidate, Dr Russell de … Continue reading

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2014 Summer Session Schedule – now available!

The 2014 Summer Session course schedule is now online! If you were thinking of taking summer courses, you can see what is being offered. Your personalized registration date will be available on the SSC in late February. Questions about registering … Continue reading

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Agora is open for 2013 Winter Term 2!

Agora has re-opened after the Winter Break! Baked goods and sandwiches are currently available and the full menu with hot food will be available next week. General Hours are: Monday – Friday 9:30am to 3:00pm (Sept – April, excluding holidays) … Continue reading

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Health Professionals of Tomorrow Fair, volunteers needed – due Jan 24

Looking for something fun and rewarding to do during Reading Week? Love working with children? The Health Science Student Association (HSSA) is looking for volunteers for the annual Health Professionals of Tomorrow (HPT) Fair! As a volunteer, you will be heading … Continue reading

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SCWIST Brown Bag Lunch: Goal-setting, Jan 29

The Brown Bag Series is a monthly event organized by the Society of Canadian Women in Science and Technology (SCWIST) whose purpose is to provide a place for learning and discussion of topics to help women in STEM fields advance … Continue reading

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Dual Degree (BSc FNH and BEd Home Ec) application due – Jan 31

Do you remember Home Economics in high school? Applied Skills 8…Junior/Senior Foods…Textiles? Remember how FUN it was?! If you’re interested in a career in Education and Home Economics, this program is for you! The Dual Degree concurrent program offers capable … Continue reading

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iKonnect 2014 Networking Event – Jan 21

iKonnect 2014 – the seventh annual healthcare networking event is happening Tuesday, Jan 21st 6-8pm at Ladha. You will get the chance to personally socialize with healthcare professionals from across BC – including doctors, pharmacists, dentists, physiotherapists, and more. Current … Continue reading

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Africa Awareness Initiative 11th Annual Conference Week – Jan 20-24, 2014

Africa Awareness Initiative is pleased to present Re-Writing the Story, the 11th annual Conference Week 2014 from Jan 20 -24, 2014. Join us for the Opening Ceremony with Njeri Rionge, one of Africa’s top female entrepreneurs on Monday, Jan 20 (6:30-8:30pm) … Continue reading

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LFSUS Presents: AGGIE WEEK, Jan 20-24, 2014

During the week of January 20-24th, we will be celebrating the faculty of Land and Food Systems by having various events around MacMillan everyday! Make sure you come by to receive some sweet LFS swag and get a chance to … Continue reading

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MEd in Educational Administration and Leadership – starts April 2014

MEd in Educational Administration Campaign Poster Beginning April 2014, UBC¹s Faculty of Education is offering an MEd in Educational Administration and Leadership, focusing on Leadership, Mentorship, and Engagement for Contexts of Diversity and Indigenous Education. The program is offered in partnership with the Vancouver … Continue reading

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