A valuable and generous donation of golf books from Sam Martz to UBC Library was featured in the National Post newspaper on September 5, 2007.
You can view the article here:
A valuable and generous donation of golf books from Sam Martz to UBC Library was featured in the National Post newspaper on September 5, 2007.
You can view the article here:
A valuable and generous donation of golf books from Sam Martz to UBC Library was featured in The Globe and Mail newspaper. You can view the article here:
The latest issue of Backbone magazine includes a feature article on UBC Library’s automated storage and retrieval system – aka the library robot.
You can view the article at http://www.backbonemag.com/Magazine/Hot_Tech_09070702.asp.
UBC Library’s Dolman Collection is profiled in this article from UBC Medicine magazine.
UBC Library