Danny Askew// Kath Blair// Nancy Chang// Alex Coates// Jessica Delisle// Chris Hettel// Julia Higgs// Heather Kaytor// Jason Lee// Andrew Lunny// Elnaz Maassoumian// Lauren Mckenna// Robin Mcnulty// Felix Suen// Max Taffet// Pia Ugarte// Andrea Van Schubert// Brendan Williams
LOOP presents works by UBC students from VISA (Visual Art) 470A. Explore the nature and perception of TIME as it relates to video, print media, photography, installation and sound.
The Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory is pleased to present this inaugural exhibition in the new Visual Art Gallery located at Koerner Library in the former Very Silent Study Room. Thanks to everyone who made this exhibition possible.
LOOP runs from November 5 to 15, 2008. Hours are Wednesday through Saturday, noon to 5 p.m.
The show is at the Sultan and Sultana Vicwood Kee Ting Chong Visual Art Gallery Room, first floor, #112, Koerner Library, 1958 Main Mall.