The Victoria Times Colonist published an article called Checklist for Maintaining a Healthy Digital Identity. In addition to providing some great information, it highlighted Digital Tattoo, an online resource designed to help you explore how your online identity affects you, your friends, your school and your job – for better and for worse. Digital Tattoo helps you make informed choices about what you create and who gets to see it.

Digital Tattoo is a collaborative project of UBC Library, the Office of Learning Technology, Student Development – Access & Diversity, Student Development – Career Services, and the Writing Centre.

On November 2, a Digital Tattoo workshop is being offered as part of the Student to Scholar Series. You can register online.

UBC Library and the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre are featured in the September 2009 issue of UBC Reports.

You can read about the digitization of UBC’s first 100 theses, a project undertaken by University Archives, here:

And you can read about new offerings from the Chapman Learning Commons here:

An article on the recent m-Libraries conference – which was held at UBC and explored the world of libraries, information and mobile devices – appears in the July 2009 issue of the UK publication Ariadne.

You can view the article here:

Ingrid Parent, UBC’s 14th University Librarian, is profiled in the student newspaper The Ubyssey.

You can view the article here:

An article about an upcoming UBC conference on Malcolm Lowry – one of B.C.’s most famous resident-writers – appears in The Globe and Mail newspaper. The piece mentions the Malcolm Lowry Collection, now on display at UBC Library’s Rare Books and Special Collections.

You can view the article here:

UBC Library is featured in the latest issue of the BCLA Browser – you can view the entry here:

An article on Ingrid Parent, UBC’s new University Librarian, appears in the July 2009 issue of UBC Reports. You can view the article here:

An article about UBC Library’s Tools for Outreach and Teaching Series (TOTS) appears in Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research. The article was written by Lindsay Ure, Susan Atkey and Katherine Miller, who are reference librarians at UBC Library.

You can view the piece here:

Shakeela Begum, UBC Library’s Director of Development, recently spoke to the Vancouver Observer about UBC Library Vault and fundraising for the Library. 

You can read the interview here:

The Spring 2009 issue of the newsletter from the Council of Post Secondary Library Directors is now available at,%20Vol.20,%20No.1,%20Spring%202009.pdf.

UBC Library’s entry begins on page 18, and features a tribute to University Librarian pro tem Peter Ward, along with an update on Ingrid Parent, the incoming University Librarian.




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