A double-page spread about UBC Library Vault appears on pages 28 and 29 of the spring 2009 issue of UBC’s Trek magazine. A Vault image also appears on the inside front cover.

You can view a PDF of Trek here:


The Bill Silver Digital Newspaper Archive has officially opened at the Vanderhoof Public Library. This program received support from the B.C. History Digitization Program, an initiative of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.

 You can read about the Bill Silver Archive in the Omineca Express: http://www.bclocalnews.com/bc_north/ominecaexpress/news/42147097.html



A digitization project that has been supported by the B.C. History Digitization Program – which was launched by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre – is featured in the Terrace Standard and Prince George Citizen newspapers.

You can view the articles here: http://www.bclocalnews.com/bc_north/terracestandard/news/41489462.html


Dean Giustini of UBC Library’s Biomedical Branch Library has been named as a 2009 Mover & Shaker (Tech Evangelist) by Library Journal magazine, which states that “Together, these individuals comprise the coming generation of library leadership.”

You can view the article on Dean here: www.libraryjournal.com/MS2009Inductee/2140335997.html

The recent Live in for Literacy event, held at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and supported by UBC Library, is featured in The Thunderbird – the student publication of UBC’s Graduate School of Journalism.

You can view the article here:


The February 2009 issue of e-Strategy, UBC IT’s newsletter, features a story on UBC Library’s database walk project.

You can view the article here:


From January 16, 2009 to January 26, two students are camping in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre foyer to raise support, awareness and funds for global literacy.

The UBC students are participating as part of Live-in for Literacy 2009, a project that involves university students across Canada living in libraries. The aim is to raise funds to construct libraries in India.

UBC is the only university in Western Canada to take part in the event, and UBC Library has donated $1,000 to the cause.

You can view the press release here:


And you can view a recent story in the Vancouver Sun here:


UBC Library and the Chung Collection are featured in an article on Vancouver’s book culture in the January 2009 issue of Fine Books & Collections magazine.

The article is by Nicholas Basbanes, an author who recently read and spoke at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.

You can view the piece here:


UBC Librarian Sheryl Adam is among those quoted in an article about the Digital Tattoo program (http://digitaltattoo.ubc.ca).

You can view the article here:


A new B.C. electronic resource that involves support from the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre has launched.

The British Colonist Digitization project is a joint venture with the Victoria Times Colonist newspaper and the University of Victoria Library, with support from other organizations including the Learning Centre. The project involves the digitization of issues of the British Colonist newspaper (a precursor to the Times Colonist).

Articles on the project are featured in the Victoria Times Colonist and the Globe and Mail. You can view the articles here:



And here is a link to the project website’s search page:


a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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