Category Archives: Things I Love Thursday

Things I Love Thursday

Every week, I share some of the things that make me happy à la Gala Darling. This is my little love post for today:

♥ A few days ago, Binta from the UBC Blog Squad posted a series of emoticons associated with the different stages of a university semester that really is spot on!

♥ Got my confirmation email for organ donation on Monday — hurray!

♥ Someone asked me what I like to do in my spare time and he said, ‘Don’t say “reading”!’ Unfortunately for him (but delightfully for me!), that is indeed the main thing I like to do in my spare time. I love books. Not e-books — paper books, complete with weight in my hands, the sound and feel of turning crisp pages, the smell of new books, the different typographies used, the cover designs, the satisfaction of closing a book and laying it on the table when you’ve read the whole thing.

Free outdoor movies in the summer — what a great idea! I definitely want to go to a few of those. (Outdoor Movies in BC on Facebook have the most up-to-date calendar of events, I believe.)

♥ One of my UBC friends who graduated last year and went home to Thailand is back in town for a fortnight’s visit! Ensue little dance. I can’t wait to see her this weekend!

♥ I realise I’m always talking about food, so in an effort to diversify, I’m squeezing all my food loving into one point. Like finding the first sockeye of the season. The coconut lemon bar that a coworker got for me from the Delly last Friday. Making French onion soup minus the cheese.

♥ I’ve been re-reading Mary Oliver’s book of poetry, Dream Work, and it’s making me happy.

♥ Coldplay’s ‘Strawberry Swing’ is one of the most amazing videos I’ve seen in a while. Can you imagine how much work it was for the artists to put enough drawings together to make this music video? Can you imagine how proud they must be?


Things I Love Thursday

I’ve been a little lax writing up my weekly love posts ever since I came back from Hong Kong. But it’s summer, and who am I not to give a little extra thanks to be alive at this moment?

So for all the things I love:

♥ It’s finally getting warmer in dear old Vancouver and the skies are high and blue. I’ve even acquired a pair of sunglasses for the brighter days. (Let’s see how long this pair lasts; I never have good luck with sunglasses.)

♥ I have a new part-time job! I’ve been wanting it for months; the cherry on top is that the Arts Co-op office has approved of the position as a co-op term and I can use it to fulfil my requirements. And I get to decorate the office. Hurrah!

♥ Extra thanks go out to a friend who was on a bus leaving campus and came right back to help me out in my printing (or lack thereof) panic just before my interview. Not everyone would do that.

♥ Speaking of co-op, I was browsing the online materials in the Co-op Vista site and found out that the cover letter I used for my previous co-op term was up there as one of the samples. That was both a bit of a shock and also rather cool.

♥ I’ve been watching this snail climb the outside wall of our house for the past week; it’s now hanging upside-down from the ceiling for all it’s worth. I’m not sure what it thinks it’s doing, but I admire its tenacity.

♥ Long, deep hugs with people who’ve missed you.

♥ Spending time catching up with good friends. I think, on reflection, my Hong Kong trip was actually a little lonely because my parents and friends had to work long hours and we didn’t see much of each other, so it’s been nice to again be around people who know you well.

♥ In between Adele’s ‘Rolling in the Deep’ and this version of ‘Someone Like You’, I have all my musical longings met for this week.


Things I Love Thursday

It’s my last week in Hong Kong and I’m thinking of all the things I’m happy and thankful for and will miss:

♥ Being back home and being able to see family and some very old friends. Relationships are liable to change over distance and time, so I’m particularly appreciative of the ones still around.

♥ Such cheap, good food! Latest escapade today: 24 inch wide pizza. It was also genuinely delicious.

♥ The Octopus pay pass. It’s so easy and convenient to use, not only on the train system and all busses, but also at car parks, several convenience stores and vending machines.

♥ Listening to train and bus stops being announced in Cantonese, Mandarin and English.

♥ Inexpensive clothing at Fa Yuen Street in Mong Kok, where everything is either about or below CA$10.

♥ Mochi ice cream: balls of ice cream wrapped in mochi skins. One of my most beloved snacks as a child and the perfect summer treat. (They came out with a honeydew flavour!)

♥ A glass lamp that my mother bought for me some ten years ago is still my favourite; the glass is pink and has painted flowers on the inside so it glows beautifully when lit in the dark. If I ever have my own permanent home, I’d like to bring this over, if I could be sure it wouldn’t break.

♥ Visiting a really old puppy today who is fifteen years old but thinks he’s five or younger. He kept wanting to play despite wheezing like my grandmother. He looks a little like the puppy in the icon, but darker and much happier.

Vancouver in a few days! Summer blue skies, homemade salsa and guacamole. I’m looking forward to those.

Things I Love Thursday

I’m rushing about today because I have errands to run and a Chinese wedding banquet to go to tonight that probably won’t end until late. This is a quick list of what’s been fabulous in the last two weeks (I missed last week because my mind was on other things while in China):

♥ Seeing my grandmother in Beijing who is doing quite well. She was very pleased to see both my brother and myself at the same time, which hasn’t happened since four years ago.

♥ Beijing food I love: pancakes, chive turnovers, Peking roast duck, homemade dumplings (from scratch!)… and also the fabulous Beijing Books Building where I think I could sit and read all day on any of its several floors (and many people do). I stocked up on some learning materials and also a book on learning to speak Shanghainese. If I could learn live, that would be awesome, but sadly, I have no Shanghainese-speaking relatives in Vancouver.

♥ While on the subject of food, Hong Kong’s Pizza Express dough balls have got to be one of their best inventions. Just balls of doughs baked like a pizza crust and served with butter, pesto rosso and pesto genovese. Definitely have to try this when I get back to Vancouver.

♥ Other food I am gleefully consuming include Hong Kong dim sum (Vancouver dim sum is quite decent but it’s wonderful to have so many more choices for cheap), soup with puff pastries (I have a thing about puff pastries), egg tarts (my love for egg tarts seems to be passing into legend as three different people purchased me egg tarts over the last four days without me saying a word), salted fish and diced chicken fried rice, Chinese desserts… I think I’m going to go on an expedition for tofu fa tomorrow, I’ve been craving it so much.

♥ I went to Macau yesterday for a day trip and we ate plenty of good food and watched my brother bungee jump from Macau Tower. More on that later!

♥ My fabulous brother also set up wi-fi at home in Hong Kong so I can now access the internet as much as I want. Even though I don’t do it very often, it’s nice to have that option.

♥ Axis of Awesome’s ‘How to Write a Love Song’ amuses me:


♥ Dear Tommy, I’m so glad I got to see you before you moved on. You were the cat that taught me how to love every other cat and I’ll always think the world of you.

Things I Love Thursday

To continue my Hong Kong edition of Things I Love Thursday!

♥ Soft, sweet, fleshy mangoes I have to be careful not to drip juice all over the place. I just can’t find fruit like this in Vancouver — that, or I’ve been shopping in all the wrong places.

♥ That said, I miss being able to drink water from the tap, filtered through my Brita jug. HK boiled water just tastes bad. (Word of warning to the uninitiated: it is not a good idea to drink water from the tap here; the pipes are not designed with drinking water in mind. While some individuals get away unscathed, there are plenty of unwitting visitors or new immigrants who end up in hospital as a result of drinking straight from the tap.)

♥ We get a splendid view of the cityscape at night. There are so many lights, it never gets truly dark (or at least, you have to work hard to find a place like that). Although the Tourism Board likes to market Hong Kong as the ‘City of Life’, I think of it more often as the ‘City of Lights’. Sometimes I catch glimpses of the nightly laser show that goes on around the harbour; I mean to go down there and actually watch it one of these days.

♥ I love the torrential rain: when rain decides to come down, it comes down. None of this wishy-washy, half-hearted Vancouver drizzle nonsense! And after a couple of hours of downpour, it’s over.

♥ Then again, I also adore the sunshine. It’s been grey for most of the past week but the sun came out yesterday and is predicted to last today, as well. With another week of rain forecasted — and the Hong Kong weather observatory tends to be fairly accurate, which is a lot more than I can say for the Vancouver forecasters — I’m off and about as soon as I’m done with this post!

♥ One of my Vancouver friends is in town, and I’ll be joining him and a high school friend of mine at the Peak today. There are some lovely views up there on even a semi-clear day and I shall post pictures, if I get any decent ones.

♥ Also, let me just reiterate how much I love Sara Bareilles; her sassiness in ‘King of Anything’ cheers me right up when I’m fretting (which is a lot, lately).
