
Lesson 1.1 – Assignment 1:1


Trees that have Fallen in a Pine Tree Forest

My Bench

Hi everyone, I’m Linda and I would like to welcome you to my tree bench. Please grab a virtual seat and let’s get to know each other. I look forward to sharing ideas and stories with the ENGL 470 summer 2016 group. I am excited to read stories about Canada from different perspectives, because I have come to realize the importance of storytelling. At Langara I took the course – Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge and Contemporary Science. There I came to realize that language is important in Aboriginal science and culture, because it is part of the foundation of reality. A fascinating perspective can be found in Ferguson.




My Roots

My grandmother was part Cree, part French, and definitely all Canadian, but I never had the opportunity to learn her story. Not only did she live in Winnipeg, while I grew up in Vancouver, but she passed when I was a little girl. I have always felt that part of my history is missing, and for that reason I have been attracted to storytelling. For as long as I can remember I have loved to read. But beyond that, I yearn to know my history, both my aboriginal beginnings, as well as my European beginnings. This is one reason why I was attracted to, and am excited about this course.




My Bark/Trunk

Looking at me from the outside, you will see that I am a fourth year English Literature Major with a Minor in Creative Writing at UBC. I am also a Chartered Professional Accountant, but I love reading and writing about books, and for that reason I created a book review blog at I love stories, and in Aboriginal culture, stories are used to document history and transfer knowledge. Song, sound, and vibration are “the collective agreement of the People—not as myth or metaphor, but as reality” (Ferguson 28).



Flowering Trees in the Spring are Always Eye-catching View

My Branches

I hope to reach out beyond my current understanding, and expand my appreciation of what the Canadian literary canon entails. I am looking forward to the conference portion of the course so I, along with my classmates, can add our voices to the discussion. In Aboriginal beliefs, verbal story telling reflects, explains, and helps create the world. Stories help to explain the present and the past. But going beyond Aboriginal stories, it is important to consider the interchange and variances between European and Indigenous traditions of storytelling.



Bright Red Organic Apples on a Tree Branch

My Fruit


Trees are strong, steady, and reliable. Trees are a metaphor for life, and First Nations Artist, Donald Chrétien, has created a beautiful rendition of the Tree of Life.  I consider myself an apple tree, because apples are delicious, nutritious, and versatile. What kind of tree tells your story?



Linda 280 x 350 good

Linda Purcell


Apple Blossoms

Works Cited:

Chretien, Donald. Tree of Life. n.d. Acrylic on Canvas.

Ferguson, Elizabeth. “Einstein, Sacred Science and Quantum Leaps: A Comparative Analysis of Western Science, Native Science and Quantum Physics Paradigm.” Lethbridge, Alta.: University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Arts and Science, (2005). Web. 11 May 2016.

Luz, Ninette. Bright Red Organic Apples on a Tree Branch. [Photo of apples] n.d. Digital Image. 123RF .  Web. 11 May 2016.

McNeilly Purcell, Linda. Bark. 15 Feb. 2016. Digital Image.

Pixphoto. Trees that Have Fallen in the Pine Tree Forest [photo of tree bench]. n.d. Digital Image. 123RF . Web. 11 May 2016.

Purcell, Randy. Linda Purcell. 15 Jan. 2014. Digital Image.

Rosu, Orlando. Fruiter [Photo of roots]. n.d. Digital Image. 123RF . Web. 11 May 2016

Sauletas. Flowering Trees in Garden are Always Eye-catching View in Spring. [Photo of apple tree] n.d. Digital Image. 123RF . Web. 11 May 2016.

Septembersun. Apple Blossoms. [Photo of apple blossoms]. n.d. Digital Image. 123RF . Web. 11 May 2016.


4 thoughts on “Introduction

  1. Hi Linda, such an artistic expression! Not only that – it literally has depth. Are we not the products of our blood and the land on which we are situated? I especially identify with your metaphor of “roots”. There is a similar expression in Chinese used by those who migrate: “to land and plant roots”. As a kid from an immigrant family, that is what leads me to studying the Canadian identity. I’m excited to be a co-creator of knowledge with you. To answer your question, I see myself as a tree providing shelter and fruits to birds. Given my strong interests in migration and flight, that would be quite ideal. – John

    • Hi John,

      It is nice to meet you. I think the expression of planting roots where ever we land is important, because no matter where we are from, or where we are going, we can make our present living situation our home. In order to do this we need to plant roots, and make the environment our own. In addition to this, I feel that home is where our family is, and a big part of family is the stories we tell. I am looking forward to sharing stories with you, and with our fellow classmates. I love your idea of your tree, as being a place of security for our flighted friends.


  2. Hi Linda,

    What a beautiful introduction to you and your story. I really appreciate the way you have so artistically represented the purpose of this course and what you hope to gain from it. I particularly enjoyed the artwork by Donald Chrétien, what a talented artist.

    I think a tree is a perfect metaphor for our stories and we are born from our roots, our traditions, families, culture, and backgrounds. And how the trunk is sturdy, but changes as we reach up and outwards. Just as trees grow and change with times and seasons, so do our stories. I think I would choose to represent myself as an arbutus tree: sturdy, but willing to shed in order to grow through the seasons.

    I look forward to hearing more of your story and interacting with you about the stories we will be reading in class. It sounds like you have a lot of experience and wisdom to offer.


    • Hi Janine,

      It is my pleasure to meet you, and I am glad you enjoyed my introduction. I love your description of a tree as a metaphor for stories, especially how it relates to our changing stories. I feel I know you a little better by your choice of tree, because it sounds like you are open to change and new experiences. I look forward to discovering new insights with you as we explore this course together.


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