Learning in Context


Wikimedia Commons. (2016) .School of Athens [online image]. Retrieved from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sanzio_01_cropped.png

Competency Identifier

Learner demonstrates transformative learning in a wide range of contexts, with concrete examples and well-chosen artefacts.

Education Technology 565

“Science Fiction English 10”

For Education Technology 565: Learning Technologies: Selection, Design and Application, we did just that. We learned to research learning technologies and choose the most appropriate solution for the task at hand. This is where the skills from ETEC 500: Research Methodologies in Education really came in handy. This artefact represents a marriage between careful research and practice. What was really unique about this project is that we were tasked with creating only the first two modules of an online course and I was able to develop the course  fully in Moodle and put it into action. The school I was teaching used Moodle as their learning management system and I was able to take the best practices and research to design a course and build on it in real time as I received feedback from colleagues and students. This artefact clearly demonstrates me learning in context, as it shows me extending beyond the course requirements and linking the research and theory such as Universal Design for Learning and Constructivism directly to my practice.


“Science Fiction English 10” video walk through


“Introduction Module Creation: process and rational”

I have chosen my creation process and rational assignment from Education Technology 565 to show how I came to the different decisions I did for my “Science Fiction English 10” design. One of the main driving forces for my learning management system choice was because Moodle what what I was using currently to teach. I took this opportunity to spend some real time working with the LMS I was using on a day to day basis. My experience working on developing this course and the realization I came to by laying out my process and rationale made me a leader among my peers. I became the go to guy for course design advice and help. I was able to help people make decision based on the best practices I was researching and implementing myself. Through this analytic process I was able to pinpoint and explain each and every choice I made for my courses design from the “getting to know you questionnaire to the exit survey.



Education Technology 510

“Media Literacy Learning Space for Grade 8 to 12 Students and Teachers”

For Education Technology 510: The Design of Technology-Supported Learning Environments we were assigned the task of collaboratively creating a digital tool for teachers. My group chose to create an interactive website where there would be resources, lessons, notes, and activities for teachers to access. We also used a blog format with the comments activated, added buttons for various social media for sharing,  and created space within Google Docs to upload modified resources, new resources, and to share ideas. One of the reasons I have chosen this artefact is that it was created in June 215 and already has had 350 visitors, meaning at least teachers are finding this resources and taking a look. Learning in context can look like an ongoing conversation about pedagogy and this artefact has created a space for that ongoing conversation with both teachers and students.



Link to Website


“Media Literacy: A resource for teachers” video walk through