E-Portfolio Proposal


Education Technology 590

A statement of purpose and a problem:

Describing UBC’s Masters of Education Technology program to others started out all IPads and Twitter and has morphed over the course of nine distinct courses into a philosophical investigation of pedagogy, educational research, and strangely enough- Artificial Intelligence. Nearing the end of the program I feel better informed to discuss the program content wise, but find that I lack the time in most casual conversations to really get to the crux of it. Creating a portfolio that reflects on my journey through the MET program will help me synthesize all I have experienced into, hopefully an easy to relay narrative.

Developing a portfolio serves several purposes; of course it meets the requirements of both UBC and TQS Capstone Project, these being my main audience. But in order to create a portfolio that will of use to me and my colleagues I will need to focus on making it engaging, accessible, and usable.

Key references tools and/or resources:

I will include several different media productions I have created throughout the program. I will include a research proposal. I will include several reflective pieces and thought papers. I want to craft a ‘guided tour’ tour of the program.

The main overarching design element will be that of a guided virtual tour through my experience much like what you would find on a Real Estate website showing a home.

I am still considering which platform would be most suitable for my EP. So far I have explored Wix.com, WordPress, YouTube, and Vimeo. As I compile my artefacts some of these platforms will be ruled out based on technical limitations, narrowing my choices substantially. The platform I choose will need to host several videos in an attractive and functional environment.

Camtasia will be the editing software I use to put my video tours together. Using Camtasia I will be able to produce professional quality videos, and great walk through of my artifacts. Creating a seamless and professional EP is an important aspect when trying to appeal to large range of audiences.

Two main theories will help shape my choices of artefacts, presentation style, and organization. First and foremost we need to look at Baviskar, Hartle, and Whitney’s (2009) four tenets of constructivism: eliciting prior knowledge, creating cognitive dissonance, providing feedback when students apply their knowledge, and allowing reflections on my learning (p. 541-550).

Questions to be explored:

What were my goals or reasons for doing my masters?

Did I meet those goals?

How did those goals change over the course of the program?

How has my teaching practice been influenced?

Expected outcomes:

First and foremost this EP will meet the Capstone Project requirements laid out by UBC and TQS. Next the EP will serve as a guided tour through the ETEC program for prospective students, new students, current students, and alumni.


October: I will choose my artefacts

I will begin to record the guided tours of my artefacts

November: I will choose and start formatting my platform to accommodate my EP

I will draft all new written content to be ready to upload to platform

December I will finalize a draft of  my EP

Complete the finishing touches and hand in EP


The Learner Acceptable Excellent
Demonstrated the ability to be Meta-cognitively reflective in the face of theory and research Learner shows evidence of reflection in both the body of the EP and the artefacts chosen. Learner provides exceptional evidence of their ability to be meta-cognitively reflective in the face of theory and research, through well-chosen artefacts and well-articulated explanation
Demonstrates transformative learning in context Artefacts show learning in a variety of contexts effectively. Learner demonstrates transformative learning in a wide range of contexts with concrete examples and well-chosen artefacts
Demonstrates the ability to critically think about research and theory and link it to practice The artefacts show clearly show the ability to link research and theory to practice The learner chooses artefacts that demonstrate critical thinking and that show a concrete connection between research/ theory and their practice.
Demonstrated ability to work in diverse learning communities Shows evidence of collaboration through video walk throughs of collaborative projects Demonstrates the ability to work with a wide variety of professionals within a variety of mediums
Demonstrated ability  to use a vast array of digital tools and publish professional quality work The addition of media productions included in the EP the learner has demonstrated the ability to proficient use an array of digital tools in a professional capacity. The learner uses digital tools effortlessly to create and publish professional and novel media productions. Demonstrated in both the design of the EP and the artefacts included

Adapted from Yancey, Kathleen. (2016) . “What makes a good web portfolio”