Multiliteracies in ELA Classrooms

Bringing Technology home

October 1st, 2012 · No Comments

In the I See, I Do article, the piece that stood out the most to me, is the “technology-rich activities for critical visual thinking”. I really liked the idea of asking students to go out into their “world” and take pictures of things that are real for them. I feel like I could use this as a project, to not only involve students in what is going on around them, but also have them “stop and smell the roses” so to speak. I feel like in a world of technology that kids are watching their worlds go rushing by them. They want web pages to load instantly, (yes I expect that too…) they are no longer enjoying the basics in life. Kids are becoming obese in a place where we are safe to go outside and play. They are redefining “play”. It has gone from playing a game of flashlight tag, to sitting inside all weekend playing Dungeons and Dragons. Yes, technology can help us, but is it helping when the only social skills a kid is learning is through a head set and computer screen.
However back to the article. While reading the part about what colors and lines create, I had to stop and think about all of her analogies. I am not sure if the emotions we are supposed to learn are ingrained, but I don’t relate to what the shapes imply. I don’t feel that “Squares are stable, triangles are active, circles are organic, and spirals are cyclical”. I am curious as to where she got the ideas from, or if I am wrong and we are taught these at a young age. I was also confused with some of the color ideas and lines. Usually a line for me is the closing of a box, underlining something, or drawing directions. I feel like lines have start and end points and don’t think too much farther then that. Maybe its my own ignorance, but I feel like colors invoke different messages for different people. What if someone is colorblind? How are they to create feelings from colors that they do not see correctly?
I liked how she added resources for the reader to look at, but without a conclusion I am a little confused about her point and how she got to her ideas.


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