Multiliteracies in ELA Classrooms

So cute!

October 1st, 2012 · 1 Comment

So I was watching TV last night and I saw this add and I had to share it. I haven’t had time to analyze it specifically in relation to the article we read, but I also couldn’t get it out of my mind and needed to share it.

I am not sure what visual media techniques it employs beyond using an adorable hedgehog. I will look into that before Wednesday. To be honest, I don’t even care what it is about… I just love it! I am not sure if that means they were successful because I won’t forget it… or unsuccessful because the star of the commercial outshines what it is supposed to be advertising.   Either way, I am looking forward to discussions about this kind of stuff on Wednesday!

Fluzone commercial featuring an adorable Hedgehog by pfyrestorm


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1 response so far ↓

  • kiranheer // Oct 2nd 2012 at 11:28 am

    Wow, that is unbelievably cute! However, I found myself paying more attention to the hedgehog rather than what the lady was saying…it was only the stuff that hedgehog said that I actually cared about, lol! What I got out of this commercial is that the needle is “90% shorter.”

    At first I thought it was marketed towards a younger audience, hence the talking hedgehog, but then I rewatched it and realized that the vaccine is for 18-64 year olds. There seems to be disconnect between the advertisement and the audience – which is not to say that adults don’t watch cartoons, but in this case the hedgehog was a distraction rather than an advantage.

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