Multiliteracies in ELA Classrooms


October 10th, 2012 · No Comments

‘Manager of State’

So I forgot in our presentation to come back to why I included this slide… it is a photoshopped image of King George VI when he was still Prince of Wales in his naval uniform. My buddy and I added the “Feedyourhead” title caption and of course the cowboy hat. At the time we were looking for a visual style for a storyboard we were developing as a way to pitch a satirical fantasy script we’d written. I included the image as iconographic evidence for the Bortolotti & Hutcheon article on adaptation’s point about how future cultural diversity will rely upon whether these potent digital technologies will be used to subvert fidelity discourses. These discourses are mistaken in their assumptions about what constitutes aesthetic values such as “authenticity”, “relevancy” and “legitimacy”, but before I read the article I was never able to really articulate this conceptual error for myself in quite this way, although I have long known intuitively as an artist that it was short-sighted.

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