Here’s a timely piece of entertainment news in light of our recent discussions.
An accompanying article in the Guardian:
1 response so far ↓
adamh // Jul 10th 2013 at 1:09 am
What Hoffman says about men being brainwashed about their conception of female beauty is absolutely true, but I wonder if the same can be said for women? Are they (you; I realize this is a class of predominantly women, so perhaps I need to tread lightly) not fed an idealized perception of male beauty? In my 317 class earlier today I was glancing at the textbook and on the title page of chapter 1 a women sitting next to me made the comment that the picture of the cat was very cute, but the man, well, not so much. I concurred, but why? The image isn’t meant to have anything to do with attractiveness, yet this man was dismissed for not meeting this expectation. Does this not happen in real life as well? I think it probably does, but the crux of the counter-argument is likely that it doesn’t as often…?
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