Multiliteracies in ELA Classrooms

Media Project #2 – Stop Motion Video

July 19th, 2013 · 1 Comment

More information on the making of our stop motion video, sUPer suffix

Media Project 2

A link to the video…if you want to watch it again.

And…here are some photos of our filming process, including the awesome water bottle tripod!


Tags: Media Project II

1 response so far ↓

  • TMD // Jul 24th 2013 at 4:04 pm

    Dear Cristina, Christina, Sarah and Dayonne,

    Thanks for contributing this clever stop animation to our collection of media projects. I think this is a brilliant way of engaging language learners in explorations of parts of speech, and this example you’ve provided will serve as an outstanding model should you ever choose to pursue this in your classes.

    As you suggest, “up” is the ideal sort of multipurpose word for a subject, serving at times as adjective, adverb, preposition, and even verb. You’ve also introduced a literary device in personification of the letters.

    Your written materials are very helpful in giving a sense of how such a project might be managed, as well as the challenges and benefits of such an activity from a “learning outcome” perspective. Thanks, as well, for including photos of your brainstorming sessions.

    Overall, this is a thoughtful, creative contribution — thanks very much for your time and effort. (My son Sam, by the way, was delighted by your video and would like to see another from the production team soon.)

    Best regards,


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