ENGL 301 Luke Jang Application Letter

Luke Jang

May 17, 2020
Peers for ENGL 301 class at University of British Columbia

Dear my peers:

As a student for ENGL 301 at UBC, I am preparing a letter (May 22 deadline) to find a professional writing team for the 2020 Summer term.

First of all, I am a student majoring in Wood Products Processing in the Faculty of Forestry at UBC.
I have finished my 4th year at UBC already, however, I still have a couple of courses that I need to finish as the last credits, so I am still in school. ENGL 301 is my final elective course that I will be taking at UBC.

Aside from taking a few courses to finish my degree, I am currently working as a Healthcare Security Officer at Vancouver General Hospital where I deal with mental patients on a daily basis. At my job, I write incident reports everyday for the incidents that occur during my shifts. Therefore, I am skillful in writing factual reports. The reason why I am working as a Security Officer and have chosen this course as my final elective is because I am currently preparing myself to become a police officer in the future. Documentation and writing reports are one of the most crucial skills that the police officers need to possess so I am trying to improve my writing skills by taking this course.

In the past, I have taken courses that are heavily focused on writing such as English 110 and NEST 101. As you can tell from the name, English 110 was a literature course, however, NEST 101 was a history class which focused on Egyptian history. Since I have taken such courses which were writing-heavy, I am confident that I can write proficient papers with great content. However, I do not have much experience in writing for the business sector, so I will definitely be lacking in this field.

In my opinion, learning is a process of making information into my own. However, if learning can be done in a cooperative environment by sharing knowledge and opinion, I believe that the learning can definitely open one’s perspective and thoughts in a positive way. I am always open to sharing learning with others.

If I can be one of your team members, I know that I will be professional and proficient in working with you throughout the term. Please let me know if you are intrigued by my introduction.

Thank you for reading.

Best regards,

Luke Jang

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