Week 1: Hello RMST 202, I’m Maxene

Hi everyone! My name is Maxene. I go by she/they pronouns.  I, like you are taking RMST 202 with Jon and boy am I excited. I am a second-year transfer student from the University of Calgary, I also call Calgary home.  I hope to be a sociology major but for now I minor in Law and Society… and maybe family studies, we will see. I hope after I complete my undergraduate to go to law school or go into social work, wherever the universe takes me. I aspire to be either a family lawyer or a social worker that works with teens. I’m a very passionate individual when it comes to my studies so beware, if you ask about my major and future plans I may never stop talking. I really enjoy going to the gym on this very campus and I also really enjoy cooking and baking to pass the time.

I do indeed like to read so I am very excited to be graded on the amount of books I read. I for one did not know what romantic studies even was before I signed up for this course but after watching the recorded lecture and conversation I am rather interested to see how this course goes. I do know a little French but if you were to try and converse with me I may be really bad. I’m also very excited to read literature I probably wouldn’t read outside of class. Looking at the readings of this class I can already see some texts that I may find so riveting that I cannot put it down and also some that may be harder to pick up.

When it came to the recorded lecture I found it so interesting that Jon calls romantic studies a “Bastard (Anti-) Discipline”. I think to know that all these languages are tied due to their supposed roots but also are connected in the ways that make them different is rather interesting as an aspiring sociologist. As a filipino I have some bastardized ties to Spain and Spanish as well and as a Canadian who spent her whole life learning French I also have ties to French and I feel like to take a romantic studies course will give me a perspective I did not previous have into these cultures; how they differ, how they connect and also how they tie to me as an individual.

I cannot wait to discuss with you all and see how you view the texts we read!

8 thoughts on “Week 1: Hello RMST 202, I’m Maxene

  1. Maxine, I think that from your own life experience you have a lot to contribute to this discussion about the territoriality of Romance studies: you have been able to see how perspectives change when we focus on the not so obvious connections between languages and spaces. Welcome!

  2. Hi Maxene, I enjoyed reading your blog. I also plan on going into law after my undergrad but more specifically criminal law. I am currently a law and society minor. I have enjoyed the courses in this field such as sociology and GRSJ. As well as similar to you, I did not know much about romantic studies and hope to gain a deeper understanding after this course.

    • I love whenever I meet fellow future lawyers. Maybe we will be in a law and society class together in the future? Also I would love some recommendations of GRSJ classes and profs! Thank you very much for your lovely comment.

  3. I also love the idea of romance languages being bastardized from Latin, it is a cool way to think about it yet also funny. I also speak French so maybe we can talk sometime in class!

  4. Hi, Maxene. I like reading your blog. I saw you enjoy cooking, I like cooking in my free time as well. This course is also a new course for me, I look forward to the novels that we are gonna read in class, and hope to see you in class!

  5. Hi Maxene, being from Calgary is so slay I’m from Edmonton, what’re your thoughts on Alberta? I also know a little French, I once attempted to order a crepe in pairs in France and got laughed at by the crepe guy and the people behind me so glad there’s someone else in the class whose French is at the same level.

    • Oh boy where do I start Jack. First of all I am sure you heard it’s like -50 this weekend, I feel so genuinely lucky to be here. How do you like Edmonton? Have you ever been to Calgary? I’ve never been to France but I work at Granville Island so I interact with a lot of tourist, I’m sure a lot of the ones I speak French to cringe at my grammar. Thank you so much for your very lovely comment.

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