Science Education Resources


UBC Links
Beaty Biodiversity Museum

Botanical Garden

Learning Science
Scitable – A website in conjunction with Nature publishing group. Excellent for basic information about a wide variety of topics: Genetics, Cell Biology, Ecology, Scientific Communication & more.

Outreach programs
YourWildLife – A new project to “try to improve student outcomes and teacher enthusiasm around the world by creating opportunities for real scientific discovery.”

WildBC – “Offers a variety of dynamic hands-on workshops, learning resources and programs for educators.”

Canada’s Forests Teaching Kits – “provides educators with the tools to help young people better understand the value of forests and the importance of protecting and conserving them.”

Example Science Activities:

Lesson plans from the California Academy of Sciences

Science Buddies – Great site to check out Biology & Zoology ideas.

Bio-Interactive resources from HHMI

Grow your own bacteria

Colour your own flowers

Assorted activities

Google Earth Interactive

Using Google Earth in education presentations